
The Mysterious Glastonbury Giant: The Nine Foot Giant Skeleton

When we look for the pieces of evidence and reality of giants in the past, one case which has survived ages is the discovery of ‘Glastonbury Giant’ which was allegedly excavated in 1190, on orders of King Henry II who believed that the legendary King Arthur was buried at that very exact location.

Workers dug seven feet deep into the ground between the two ancient pyramid-shaped pillars at Glastonbury in Somerset, England and they discovered a cross with the inscription saying “HIC JACET SEPULTUS INCLYTUS REX ARTURUS IN INSULA AVALLONI” which translates as “Here lies buried the renowned King Arthur in the Isle of Avalon.”

Glastonbury Giant
Glastonbury Cross

The discovery of the Glastonbury cross instigated the workers to dug even deeper and when they dug sixteen dug deep into the ground, they discovered a large coffin that hollowed out from the trunk of an old oak tree.
Interestingly, inside the coffin, skeletal remains of a nine feet tall man was found.
Along with the giant skeleton , a skeleton of an average height was also discovered in the same coffin, and it is assumed that the other skeleton must belong to Arthur’s Queen, Guinevere.

Skeletons measuring nine feet tall have been found all over the globe and have been discussed in detail in a famous book The Myth Of Man, by J.P. Robinson.

Association of Glastonbury with King Arthur

It is believed that the Skeletal remains were buried again in the church about a century later, right before the altar, and in the presence of King Edward I.
Since then, Glastonbury has been associated with the Arthurian legends.
However, it is also speculated that the cross must have been placed over the tomb much later since it was buried nine feet above the coffin.

Site of what was supposed to be the grave of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere on the grounds of former Glastonbury Abbey, Somerset, UK.

It is also said that the Glastonbury cross is a fraud, and it was placed by the local monks in an attempt to gain fame and donations from nobility by tricking them into believing that it was the land where the greatest legend of England was laid to rest.

History of Glastonbury Giant

The cross may or may not be fake but the Glastonbury Giant did exist.
Despite the conspicuous discovery of Arthur’s alleged gravestone, the discovery of the giant skeleton was not disputed as the renowned historian Giraldus Cambrensis personally examined the massive bones in 1194 and pronounced them genuine.
Somewhat around, 1962-63, Dr. Ralegh Radford, an archaeologist, studied the remains of an ancient skeleton following additional excavations of the site and confirmed that a prominent figure had indeed been buried there at the period in question.

Whether or not the discovered bones belong to King Arthur, the discovery of the nine feet tall skeleton brings us back to the speculation of giants walking on earth years ago.

Well, who knows what all remarkable finds lay beneath the surface waiting to be unearthed.
Let us know what you think in the comment section.

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