Avi Loeb

Harvard Physicist Avi Loeb: Humanity Will View Alien Intelligence Like ‘God’

“A highly advanced scientific civilization is a good approximation to the idea of ​​God.”

Avi Loeb, an astrophysicist who received his Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at the age of 24 and is currently a professor at Harvard University, said that “it was arrogant of us to think that we are alone” and that “the discovery of an alien civilization, one that could be billions of years old, will drive humanity to unify.”

“There are tens of billions of planets in the Milky Way galaxy alone and hundreds of billions of galaxies like the Milky Way in the observable volume of the universe,” he said in a recent interview with Fox News Digital . “And there may be many more neighbors who are much more successful than we are, and we can learn from them. So my hope is that it leads humanity to a better place in the long-term future.”

Space Archaeology – The Remains Of Alien Civilisations In Space

Loeb also theorized that countless “dead” civilizations may exist in the galaxy. The question for the scientific community, he said, is to look for evidence of its existence.

That process will likely be similar to “archaeological digs” on Earth, Loeb said.

“I call this space archaeology, archeology in space, trying to find out who came before us. And when I say preceded, it is by billions of years, not thousands of years like on Earth,” the scientist clarified.

Harvard Physicist Avi Loeb: Humanity Will View Alien Intelligence Like 'God'
An electron microprobe image of a spherule recovered from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. 
Dr. Avi Loeb believes these spheres are evidence of a meteor or interstellar object crashing in the area. 
Credit: Stein Jacobsen and Avi Loeb, Harvard University.

And the evidence of an alien civilization is exactly what Loeb thinks he may have found recently. In a separate interview with Fox & Friends, the professor—also an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences—said that he found amazing material recovered from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

“That trip produced evidence of material that came from something that moved faster than 95% of the stars near the Sun and had a material strength that was harder than most rocks. In other words, material possibly artificially engineered by another species in the galaxy, and not naturally produced by a meteorite or other form of space matter,” he noted.

Attempts To Discredit Avi Loeb

Some scientists have publicly disputed Loeb’s claims. For example, the New York Times was told last month that the Harvard professor’s theories, while drawing attention, were not based on solid scientific evidence. 

“People are sick of hearing Avi Loeb’s wild claims,” ​​said astrophysicist Steve Desch. “He’s polluting the good science, mixing the good science we do with this ridiculous sensationalism and sucking all the oxygen out of the room.”

But Loeb insisted that other scientists who are skeptical of his theories are unwilling to actually look for the evidence, dismissing some attacks as “academic jealousy.”

The Harvard man heads up Project Galileo and has an ambitious goal, according to the organization’s website: “Bring the search for Extraterrestrial Technological Civilization (ETC) signatures now considered accidental or anecdotal observations into the mainstream of scientific study.” transparent, validated and systematic”.

And said the search for alien life begins in “our backyard.”

That involves looking for a “tennis ball that was thrown by a neighbor,” Loeb said, in one of his most used analogies for the remains, debris, or other evidence of an extraterrestrial civilization within the reach of modern science.

Seeing Aliens as Gods

But whichever theory of extraterrestrial civilizations scientists ultimately accept or reject, Loeb said, people around the world should keep an “open mind.”

That is not to say that the realization, at the level of all humanity, of “neighbors” in the universe would not be a shocking event. In fact, it could be a deeply spiritual experience.

Harvard Physicist Avi Loeb: Humanity Will View Alien Intelligence Like 'God'
Different ancient cultures around the world speak of “instructing gods” who visited them.

“A very advanced scientific civilization is a good approximation of God,” Loeb said. “Imagine a cave dweller visiting New York City and seeing all the technological devices in terms of lights that appear like a miracle to the cave dweller. In the same way, a higher level of intelligence cannot be easily understood by us.”

“A biblical story came to mind: the famous Old Testament passage about Moses and the burning bush. But Moses could have been helped by the knowledge of modern science. If he had been there with the Galileo Project, the infrared sensors would have informed Moses about the temperature of the bush’s surface, the amount of energy emitted over a period of time, and whether it was really an unusual phenomenon.”

“Moses feeding the sheep of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, led the sheep through the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.  And he appeared to him the Angel of Jehovah in a flame of fire in the midst of a bush;  and he looked, and saw that the bush was burning with fire, and the bush was not consumed.  Then Moses said: I will go now and see this great vision, why does the bush not burn.  Seeing Jehovah that he was going to see, God called him out of the midst of the bush, and said: Moses, Moses!  And he answered: Here I am.  And he said: Do not come near; remove your shoes from your feet, because the place where you are is holy ground.  And he said: I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.  So Moses covered his face, because he was afraid to look at God ».  EXODUS 3, 1-6.  Image: painting by Johan Burman on the ceiling of the church of Skepplanda (Sweden), ca.  1770. In the middle of the fire the Hebrew letters of the tetragrammaton appear written.
“Moses feeding the sheep of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, led the sheep through the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 
And he appeared to him the Angel of Jehovah in a flame of fire in the midst of a bush;  and he looked, and saw that the bush was burning with fire, and the bush was not consumed.  Then Moses said: I will go now and see this great vision, why does the bush not burn.  Seeing Jehovah that he was going to see, God called him out of the midst of the bush, and said: Moses, Moses!  And he answered: Here I am.  And he said: Do not come near; remove your shoes from your feet, because the place where you are is holy ground.  And he said: I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. 
So Moses covered his face, because he was afraid to look at God ».  EXODUS 3, 1-6. 
Image: painting by Johan Burman on the ceiling of the church of Skepplanda (Sweden), ca. 
1770. In the middle of the fire the Hebrew letters of the tetragrammaton appear written.

Going further, Loeb notes that it is conceivable that an ultra-advanced civilization could appear to humans to have godlike powers.

“You can imagine that the superhuman civilization that understands how to unify quantum mechanics and gravity might be able to create a baby universe in the laboratory, a quality we assign to God in religious texts,” he said.

“The fundamental difference between religion and science in that science is guided by evidence collected by instruments. It’s not this subjective personal matter of belief.”

Avi Loeb Wants Full Disclosure

Also, in the interview, Loeb called on humanity as a whole to share scientific knowledge with all humans.

“We’re all in the same boat, Earth, sailing through interstellar space, and anything about the universe, any knowledge we get about our neighbors, about the universe in general, should be scientific knowledge, which means it should be shared openly,” he said.

It went back to the story of Galileo Galilei, an astronomer, and physicist who was placed under house arrest for his support of a heliocentric model of the universe.

Scientists who say that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence have often never looked for the evidence, just like those who refused to look through Galileo Galilei's telescope.
Scientists who say that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence have often never looked for the evidence, just like those who refused to look through Galileo Galilei’s telescope.

“Once we realized that the Earth moves around the Sun, we shouldn’t put Galileo on house arrest,” Loeb said, referring to the scientist, who is also the namesake of his organization, the Galileo Project. “This should not be politicized, because whether the Earth moves around the Sun or not does not depend on whether Galileo’s voice is heard publicly. And that’s a perfect illustration of the difference between science and politics. Science is better than politics.

Finally, the Harvard professor closed the interview with a message.

“Science should be guided by evidence, not prejudice. It should not be diminished by negative overtones on social media or academic jealousy. And what I’m doing is looking for a higher intelligence, because it’s not always evident here on Earth.

Source: Fox News

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