
“Martian invaders” discovered in Petroglyphs found in Morocco

A team of researchers has discovered in Morocco rocks engraved with what appears to be petroglyphs of meteors crashing into the Earth or Martian invaders

“Martian invaders” discovered in Petroglyphs found in Morocco

These engravings suggest that the ancient people of Morocco could have witnessed how these “Martian invaders” attacked the surface of our planet hundreds of years ago.

The team of five Moroccan researchers who found the stones have told reporters that they discovered them “near the village of Ida Oukazou west of the High Atlas, in the province of Essaouira” and that “they have compared the engravings with those of other petroglyphs previously discovered in the region. ”

To prove their idea that the symbols carved on the stones really represent meteorites, “the researchers also collected testimonies from eyewitnesses to the fall of the Tissint meteorite in 2011.

They concluded that petroglyphs date back to an ancient era, although they have not contributed an idea of ​​the exact age of the engravings, ”MeteorNews reported.

The Tissint meteorite was part of rain of Martian meteorites that crashed into the Earth in the Moroccan province of Tata, within the Guelmim-Es Semara region, on July 18, 2011.

In an article in Space, they are called “extremely rare Martian rocks that broke off the red planet due to the impact of an asteroid.”

A NewScientist article details how in the mountains of the Moroccan High Atlas the twin lagoons of Isli and Tislit (nicknamed the Moroccan Romeo and Juliet) “were impact craters, formed when an asteroid that was rushing towards the earth was divided in two about 40,000 years ago It was over 100 meters wide… The largest asteroid that has fallen in Morocco. ”

“Martian invaders” discovered in Petroglyphs found in Morocco

In the New Scientist article, expert Abderrahmane Ibhi, from the Ibn Zohr University based in Agadir, explained that there are three main reasons why so many meteorites are discovered in Morocco.

The first is “the landscape”: meteorites are easily observed in wind-blown sand, where their dark color makes them stand out, and dry weather helps keep them much better than a wet one.

Second, “the well-distributed population gives people a greater chance of finding them” and finally, the third reason according to the researcher is that “the political stability of Morocco is a plus, since strolling in search of meteorites is safer here than in other countries. ”

Returning to the symbols observed in the stones recently discovered in Morocco, which look like bright orbs with long tails, in an academic article on the cometary and astronomical rock art, The Sky On The Rocks, the scientist Fernando Coimbra offers “nine case studies of Cometary phenomena represented in ancient rock art. ”

Coimbra details a set of ancient symbols found in the book Divination by astrological and meteorological phenomena, also known as the Book of Silk, a record of the passage of 29 comets over a period of about 300 years by Chinese astronomers of the Western Han dynasty (202 BC – 9 AD).

The second comet on the left is identical to the one that appears in one of the engravings that are observed in the stones recently found in Morocco, with four long tails.

We can speculate that the ancient Moroccan people had similar prophetic beliefs in relation to meteorites and that this is the reason why these phenomena were recorded and symbolically embodied in newly discovered engraved stones.

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