
The Montauk project: Was a hole opened in the space-time continuum in 1983?

Unlike many other alleged CIA projects, the so-called Montauk Project is known only through third-party testimonies, since documents have never been revealed to verify its existence.
Test for some that it is a farce, this circumstance has been used several times as a way to show that the experiment was successful and therefore never declassified (unlike other CIA experiments).

 In any case, the Montauk Project (along with its predecessor, the Philadelphia Experiment ) is still one of the most famous conspiracy theories in the United States.

The Montauk Project was the name given to different secret projects of the government of the United States, and that were developed in the Hero Camp or the station of the Air Force of Montauk, Long Island, New York, in order to test various psychological warfare techniques and investigations of the time travel was included.
Due to the little existing evidence to verify its veracity, critics argue that Montauk is a conspiracy theory, an urban legend or, possibly, a false alarm.

The first reference of the Montauk Project is certainly unknown, but there are records in history that place it at least in the dawn of the 1980s.
According to the astrophysicist and amateur of the UFO phenomenon, Jacques Vallée, the Montauk Experiment seems to originate in the version of Preston Nichols (author of The Montauk Project), who claimed to have recovered repressed memories of his participation.

There is no definitive narrative version of the Montauk project, but some versions describe it as an extension or continuation of the Philadelphia Experiment.

According to the versions of the Montauk Project believers , the survivors of the Philadelphia Experiment met between 1952 and 1953. The purpose was to provide continuity in the manipulation of the “electromagnetic shield” they had used to make the USS Eldridge invisible, and to investigate the possible applications military magnetic field as a form of psychological warfare manipulation device. Supposedly, the investigators would have created a report on their proposals, which was subsequently presented to the United States Congress and rejected because it was considered too dangerous.

The project returned directly to the Department of Defense and once again passed the approval of Congress, the researchers promised a new and powerful weapon that could induce symptoms of psychotic disorders and schizophrenia with the simple act of pressing a button.
The Department of Defense finally ended up approving it. The money for development, supposedly, came from a US stash of 10 billion dollars in gold recovered from the Nazis that had been found on a train by US Army soldiers.
in a tunnel in France, near the border with Switzerland. The train blew up and all the witness soldiers were killed.
When funds were exhausted, additional funding was obtained from the ITT Corporation and Krupp AG in Germany.

The work began at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) on Long Island, New York under the name of Project Phoenix , but they soon realized that “research” required a large advanced radar antenna, and the installation of one in the Brookhaven National Laboratory would jeopardize the safety of the project. Fortunately, the United States Air Force closed the base in Montauk, New York, not far from the BNL, where there was a complete SAGE radar installation. The site in Montauk was large and remote, the location had not yet become a tourist attraction. More importantly, the SAGE radar worked at a frequency of 400 MHz – 425 MHz, in the range of 410 MHz – 420 MHz, the signal, which was said, influenced the human mind.

The experiments developed were as varied as teleportation, alternate dimensions and time travel. Around August 12, 1983, the time travel project at Camp Hero was interlocked with the original Rainbow project in 1943.
Two men, Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron, claim to have jumped from the deck of the USS Eldridge. hyperspace, and when the trip ended after a period of severe disorientation they were in the Hero Camp in 1983 in Montauk.
At this point both agree in stating that John von Neumann, a famous physicist and mathematician, had allegedly worked in the Philadelphia Experiment, but the United States Navy denies the fact outright.

A “portal in time” had been created that allowed researchers to travel anywhere in time or space. This “Tunnel of Time” was developed in a stable manner. Supposedly abandoned underground tunnels were explored on Mars using this technique where apparently some kind of “Martians” had inhabited the site for thousands of years.
We contacted extraterrestrials through the time tunnel and exchanged most of the Montauk project with them.

This would have allowed a wider access to hyperspace. Stewart Swerdlow developed the “hyperspace language,” using archetypes and glyphs, as well as color and tone, in other words, a “non-linguistic language,” the language of the Creator, which is God himself.
However, many researchers have questioned the veracity of Swerdlow and what he did in the Montauk project.
Enrico Chekov, a Russian-Spanish dissident, reported in 1988 that satellite surveillance captured during the 1970s showed the formation of a large space-time bubble that focused on the site, giving further support to the D1 Base.
the investigation of the tunnel of Time. After Chekov shared pictures with a New York Times reporter in his Manhattan apartment, they were stolen, the only thing that was taken as evidence. What do you think? Leave us your comment!

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