The Capture Of Enigmatic Creature Chupacabra By U.S. Military, Witnessed By Many People

The Capture Of Enigmatic Creature Chupacabra By U.S. Military, Witnessed By Many People

Puerto Rico is undoubtedly one of the most captivating locations. It is located in the northeastern Caribbean and consists of a number of islands such as Mona, Monito, Vieques, Caja De Muertos, and Culebra. The current population of Puerto Rico is somewhat close to four million, and its area is approximately 3,500 square miles. It was in the 1990s when the Chupacabra incidents came to light across Puerto Rico.

Texas Zoo captured a strange creature which could be "Chupacabra"
Texas Zoo captured a strange creature which could be “Chupacabra”

It is believed that the first appearance of the dangerous creature “Chupacabra” was in March 1995. During that time, countless butchered animals were discovered in the towns of Morovis and Orocovis.  All the dead animals were found with a mysterious scars on their necks and blood was drained out of their bodies sending locals into states of near-hysteria. Since many of the earliest attacks were on goats, the term “Chupacabra” was coined to describe the creature. Its Spanish translation is “goat-sucker.”

Expected appearance of Chupacabra
Expected appearance of Chupacabra

Strange mass killings of animals began to be reported from the other parts of the island soon after. Clearly, the creatures were on the move as the death rate hiked.  The population was on edge, and the media had fresh and sensational news to report. It was a time of turmoil and strangeness. But exactly what was responsible for all the murders?

Yes, there were a large number of dead animals, but unfortunately, there was no credible eyewitness testimony regarding the actual killers. Until August 1995, when a woman named Madelyne Tolentino from Canovanas, near the northeast coast of Puerto Rico, changed everything. To say the least, Tolentino’s description of the creature she encountered near her mother’s house was unsettling. It was a description that the island’s media and investigators of monsters and mysteries eagerly embraced.

Tolentino revealed to the experts, researchers, and news reporters that the creature was approximately three feet tall, humanlike, ran in a strange, hopping manner, had large black eyes, bony fingers on each hand, overly long arms and legs, and a sort of feathery line running down its back. Another person,  a young boy who worked for Tolentino’s husband contended to have seen the creature closely and asserted that the feathers were actually sharp spines. The boy added that the creature had a mouthful of fangs that appeared to be vicious. People not only knew about the chupacabra and its predations, but they also knew what it looked like. 

However, other mysterious finds are the underground bases that include Hangar 18, Area 51, the Dulce facility, the Blue Room, and S-4. In addition to that,  there is one more structure with a very peculiar past. It is Puerto Rico’s defunct Roosevelt Roads Naval Station and it is a facility that few people are aware of. Roosevelt Roads dates back to a year after the conclusion of the First World War. In 1919, the Assistant Secretary of the United States Navy visited Puerto Rico. This man was the future president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt. However, the visit was not a vacation. It is believed that Roosevelt was there on a secret mission. 

He intended to locate a suitable site for the construction of a military facility that could serve as a strategic outpost for Uncle Sam in the Caribbean. He traveled the entire island, settling on the northeastern town of Ceiba, which was founded in the 1830s and has a current population of approximately 13,000. Even though the establishment of such a base with an airfield could have been advantageous at the time, it was not deemed essential.

Puerto Rico Jungle
Puerto Rico Jungle

However, when a certain Adolf Hitler came to power in 1930s Germany, everything changed drastically. The world was about to experience a level of carnage that had never been seen before or since. It was necessary to take action against the Nazi threat.

The creation of Roosevelt Roads, which originated in 1940, one year prior to the tragic events at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was one of these steps. Roosevelt Roads eventually became the world’s largest U.S. Navy base and the headquarters of U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command (NAVSO). 

The history of Roosevelt Roads’ role as a top-secret storage facility for chupacabras or rather, a supposedly top-secret storage facility has been analyzed deeply. In the late 1990s, cryptozoologist Jon Downes’ source was a Puerto Rican man named Reuben who had been raised in New York but had since returned to the island as an adult.

Reuben was undoubtedly Jon’s most important source, as he personally led Jon and the U.K. Channel 4 TV crew to the spot in Canovanas where, according to him, the extraterrestrial craft crashed in 1957. Jon told me that they came to a large clearing where the path narrowed and, on one side, totally disappeared into a vast arena in the shape of a saucer. At least according to Reuben, this was the location where the UFO had collapsed.

Jon acknowledged that it appeared as if a large object had smashed into the mountain, clearing all trees and vegetation and leaving behind a barren area with scattered patches of grass. There is also a legend that a UFO crashed in El Yunque’s rainforest in February 1984.

A big, circular-shaped object crashed to the ground early one morning after flying erratically above the rain forest. To prevent people from discovering the truth, the UFO was portrayed as a meteorite. Personnel from NASA, the U.S. Air Force, and the CIA quickly arrived on the scene, in part to collect the mangled remains of two chupacabras whose lives ended abruptly and violently when the extraterrestrial craft crashed forcefully into the forest.


There are allegations that the remains recovered from both the 1957 and 1984 occurrences were surreptitiously brought to Roosevelt Roads for investigation and autopsy by senior U.S. Navy medical experts – in a fortified, deeply dug bunker. It is believed that some of the bodies were reportedly transported to an unnamed military base in Florida.

Also pertinent, while touring Puerto Rico in 2005 with Paul Kimball and his Redstar Films crew, our guide, Orlando, was filmed discussing an alleged incident in the 1990s in which U.S. military personnel captured six very vicious Chupacabra in El Yunque.

It is unknown what happened to them when they were detained at Roosevelt Roads and subsequently transported to the United States in tight cages aboard a military aircraft. And then there was the 2010 report of suspected classified experiments conducted on monkeys and apes in a base’s underground facility.

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