
Mysterious Encounter with a Black Humanoid Tar-Baby in Kentucky

Back in the summer of 1961, a woman and one of her two teenage daughters had a terrible encounter with a levitating black humanoid tar-baby or a ghost at their home in Kentucky (USA). 

It is believed by the woman and her daughters that the unusual creature had a dark, pin-shaped appearance, and seemed as if it was made of resin.
However, the creature visited their home only once.

Tar Baby Doll

The humanoid creature looked so unusual that some researchers believe that it has nothing to do with ghosts, monsters, or aliens, but it has come from another dimension, or even from Hell itself.

American author and an ufologist, Leonard Springfield, who in those years served as the director of the CRIFO (Civilian Research of Interplanetary Flying Objects) group and the public relations adviser for the UFO group NICAP (National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena), Donald Keyhoe, also known as flying saucer expert considered this black humanoid baby creature to be an alien.

Sadly, the facts in this case are scarce to say the least, what little information we do have paints a vivid picture of what must have been a terrible night for a woman and her two daughters, Brenda, and Judy, in their pastoral hometown of Rogers, Kentucky.

The horrifying incident took place in August, 1961 approximately at 1:30 am, when a woman identified as Mrs. Quinn suddenly woke up in her bedroom and saw a “terrible creature” hovering in the air near the ceiling, very close to her bed.

Mrs. Quinn further illustrated the enigmatic entity to investigators:

“It was something teardrop-shaped with a small round head without a neck, very similar to poly-poly toys (inflatable toy rollers in the shape of pins). Cracks-wrinkles glowed around its large eyes.”

Suddenly the black humanoid baby, rushed out of Mrs. Quinn’s room straight into the nursery, where Queen’s two daughters, Brenda and Judy, were sound asleep.
14-year-old Judy immediately woke up when the otherworldly creature flew into the room and stared at the dark creature hovering over her bed. 
The girl later described the creature as “a huge tar-baby with very large eyes.”

Tale of the “tar-baby” was originally published in “Harper’s Weekly” by Robert Roosevelt.
Then, in 1881, author Joel Chandler Harris includeded the animated character in his controversial Uncle Remus stories.

In the tale, the tar-baby (a doll made of turpentine and tar) is used to trap the character of “Br’er Rabbit,” who becomes stuck in its frozen grasp.
Due to Br’er Rabbit’s sticky predicament, the phrase “tar-baby” was commonly used to denote someone trying to avoid or extricate themselves from a “sticky situation.” 
In modern times, the term has been stigmatized for its negative racial connotation, which many deem offensive.

According to Judy, the creature’s skin actually looked bumpy, wet and sticky, as if covered in resin and she felt that the mysterious creature was trying to convince her to get out of bed.

“I knew that he wanted me to go somewhere, and I found myself slipping out of bed against my will. But suddenly the power of this creature disappeared and it immediately disappeared.”

It is believed by people that the creature was frightened by the adolescent’s pyschological resistance, or there could be some other reason.
Whatever the reason be, the creature forever went into its dimension and never returned to Mrs. Quinn’s house.

Some researchers believe that it could be a demon who sought to take possession of the child’s soul, others say that it was an accidental guest from another world who was attracted to himself by human energy.

Both Judy and her mom were so scared by this visit that the fear and shock caused by the strange and scary encounter remained with them for life. 
The trauma they suffered is the best proof that this really happened, and not just a joke or fiction for the sake of fame. 

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