Priest Bill Bean: 'I was abducted by skinny aliens with very long fingers,'

Priest Bill Bean: ‘I was abducted by skinny aliens with very long fingers,’

Priest Bill Bean from Pasadena, Maryland, USA, has previously been in the press for his claims to have performed numerous exorcisms.

He also claims that over the past few decades, he has encountered “many extraterrestrial races,” and in 1996, aliens abducted him from his bedroom.

The Alien Abduction of Bill Bean

It was the evening of July 23rd and Bean had just gone to bed with his wife Linda.

Their dog, Baby, slept next to their bed. 

Priest Bill Bean: 'I was abducted by skinny aliens with very long fingers,'

“Suddenly, I was startled by a loud popping sound in the room. I have since realized that such sounds are a signal of the portal closing. The popping sound is made due to the air trapped inside the locked portal. I immediately jumped out of bed to understand what had happened. And I saw that the clapping sounds woke up only me – my wife and our dog continued to sleep, which seemed strange to me.”

After that, he felt that there was someone in the room, but he did not immediately notice him, going to bed again and waking up again. At about 4 a.m. he finally saw a stranger in the bedroom:

“Between the foot of the bed and the TV appeared a very tall creature that did not look human. It had very long, skinny arms with very long fingers. The creature glowed with a pale green light.”

Priest Bill Bean: 'I was abducted by skinny aliens with very long fingers,'

Bean tried to wake up his wife, but was unsuccessful, and then the creature grabbed him.

“It reached out with its left hand and wrapped its long fingers around my right ankle. I felt the coldness of its hand and fingers on my skin. And then suddenly I had a feeling of paralysis throughout my body. Then the creature turned me onto my left side, and… it that’s all I could remember.”

When he woke up the next moment, he saw a man sitting next to him – clean-shaven and with his hair combed back. And he realized that both of them were inside some kind of vehicle.

“The man was sitting to my left. He looked at me with a very sinister look and said, ‘Don’t tell anyone about this.'”

UFO Photograph by Priest Bill Bean

Bean doesn’t remember being brought back to his bedroom, but he later linked the abduction to a UFO sighting that had occurred the year before, in October 1995. He even managed to photograph this object (photo above).

“As we drove down Fort Smallwood Road, a large object descended rapidly and approached us from the western sky. It was unlike anything any of us had ever seen before.” 

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1 comment
  1. Did the skinny aliens with long fingers us the fingers to probe deep into your anus? And if they probed your anus did you ask them to use three fingers because you could not feel anything with one finger? There is a lot of abduction going on in the world and sometimes a good anal probing is just what a man needs.

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