
Rendlesham Forest incident : A hidden message for humanity from the year 8100




At the end of the year 1980 on the eve of Christmas, unexplained lights make their appearance in the skies of the forest area Rendlesham, Suffolk, England. The events take place outside the RAF Woodbridge, used at that time by the United States Air Force (USAF, for its acronym in English). Many people, you can say dozens, belonging to the USAF witnessed these strange events for two or three days. This particularity is precisely what reinforces the credibility of this incident, because many witnesses gave testimony of what happened, and not only civilian witnesses, but also military witnesses.(Rendlesham Forest incident)


Rendlesham Forest or Rendlesham Forest, in Spanish, is ownedlocation of Rendlesham Forest incident by the Forestry Commission and comprises about 5.8 square miles of land, located in Suffolk County, approximately 8 miles (or 13 km) east of the city of Ipswich. At that time, in the zone to the north of the forest were two military bases, which were being occupied by the Air Force of the United States (a curious case).


Threat to national security ?: The government said no, but that was not an undisclosed if

The Ministry of Defense of that country denied the possibility that these events could become a threat to national security. However, time later there was abundant and important evidence indicating that indeed the Ministry of Defense was very interested in investigating these events and reached beyond what we all expected.(Rendlesham Forest incident)

The strange facts are raised in Rendlesham Forest

On December 26, around 3 am, strange lights were reported by a security patrol near the East Gate of RAF Woodbridge. Those present initially thought that the reported lights were a downed plane; however some of them after entering the forest to investigate, saw lights moving through the trees and also could appreciate the light emitted by a larger object which was identified as a UFO.(Rendlesham Forest incident)

A soldier runs into a strange ship: the delivery of the message

james penniston Rendlesham Forest incident

One of the soldiers present that night in the forest, named James W. Penniston, meets a ship of unknown origin – as he tells it -; the ship was on the surface and in a state of rest, so he Sergeant Penniston did not hesitate to approach it. Minutes later when Penniston was already next to the ship decided to touch it. Penniston could feel a warm sensation after making contact with the object, and also managed to see a series of symbols, which he managed to write on his body, as he narrated. Some time later, Penniston would realize that this was not all that happened, and he would also find a message planted in his mind.(Rendlesham Forest incident)


UFO Penniston Rendlesham Forest incidentShip that James Penniston would have encountered


The ship supposedly ascended after this brief encounter, and then Penniston could appreciate the triangular landing gear that possessed the object and left three impressions on the ground, which remained visible until the next day.


Time later, already in the year 1984, Penniston is put under a hypnotic regression, and between which it could remember it affirmed that this ship with which it met had come from the future, and that was occupied by travelers of the time, and not by extraterrestrial as many presumed. It should be noted that this incident does not appear on the sergeant’s reports, reports that he presumably gave to his superiors.(Rendlesham Forest incident)


The next day … they try to cover up the evidence

Early on the morning of December 26, local police were called to the scene of the alleged encounter between Penniston and the unknown ship, finding the same traces that the sergeant claimed had been produced by the ship’s triangular landing gear. The police report that these marks may have been caused by an animal. People in the area also claimed that their farm animals had a strange behavior during that night.(Rendlesham Forest incident)


Rendlesham Forest incident

Traces left by the landing gear of the supposed ship (Original photo)


Some aviators of the air base, on the contrary, affirmed to have seen a conical metallic object, which was suspended in a fog of yellow color, on the trees and with a throbbing circle of blue color. The alleged object seemed aware of the presence of the aircraft and moved away from them – narrated the aviators – so they decided to follow him and give chase. The aviators narrate having felt dazed when approaching the object. It is presumed that these people were interrogated, threatened and forced to sign documents where they swore to keep silent. Some even said they were forced to sign a document stating that the UFO was a beacon. Other reports clarify that the military were forced to remain calm under the warning: “bullets are cheap.”(Rendlesham Forest incident)


charles halt Rendlesham Forest incidentLieutenant Colonel Charles Halt


The evidence speaks for itself

The verbal evidence of Sergeant Penniston was reinforced by a series of tests that disrupt the entire network of lies that would have fallen the governments of the United States and England.(Rendlesham Forest incident)


Memorandum of Lieutenant Colonel Halt:

Halt memo Rendlesham Forest incident

The translation of the previous document is as follows:



ATN FROM: CD January 13 81

THEME: Unexplained lights


1.Early on the morning of December 27, 80 (approximately 0300L), two USAF security police patrols saw unusual lights outside the back door at RAF Woodbridge. Thinking that a plane could have crashed or forced to land, they asked permission to go beyond the door to investigate. The flight chief in service responded and gave them permission for the patrollers to investigate on foot. The individuals said they saw a strange bright object in the forest. The object was described as metallic in appearance and triangular in shape, approximately two to three meters high and about two meters high. It illuminated the whole forest with a white light. The object itself had a pulsing red light at the top and a bank of blue lights below. The object was moving. When the patrollers approached the object, it maneuvered through the trees and disappeared. At this moment the animals of a nearby farm went into a frenzy. The object was sighted briefly about an hour later, near the back door.

2. The next day, three depressions 1 1/2 “deep and 7? in diameter were found on the ground, in the place where the object had been sighted. The next night (December 29, 80) the area was checked for radiation. Beta / gamma readings of 0.1 milliroentgens were recorded with maximum values ​​in the three depressions and near the center of the triangle formed by the depressions. A nearby tree gave moderate readings (.05 -. 07) on the side of the tree towards the depressions.


3.Later in the evening a red light like the sun was seen among the trees. It moved and pulsed. At one point he seemed to get rid of shiny particles and then broke into five separate white objects and then disappeared. Immediately afterwards, three star-shaped objects were noticed in the sky, two objects in the north and one in the south, which were approximately 10 ° from the horizon. The objects moved quickly in movements of acute angles and showed red, green and blue lights. The objects to the north seemed to be elliptical through a power lens 8.12. Then, they became full circles. Objects to the north remained in the sky for an hour or more. The object to the south was visible for two or three hours and emitted a ray of light from time to time. Numerous individuals,


Charles I. HALT, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF
Second Commander of the Base


The incredible experience of James Penniston

James W. Penniston who witnessed the events of the day after Christmas in 1980, an event he says changed his life.


Penniston with a solid career in the Air Force of the United States of America, first joined in 1973 at the age of 18, after basic training was recruited by the Strategic Air Command (SAC) of the Elite Guard. In 1980, he was assigned to the Tactical Combat Wing and the Security Police Squadron at Bentwaters Air Base. It was there that he had his strange encounter. During his career, he was awarded 27 military honors, in addition to becoming the recipient of a letter of thanks from the President. He retired in 1993.


The event he witnessed is widely known as the Rendlesham case. After approximately thirty years, Penniston spoke before an audience of about 300 people in “Return to the Forest of Rendlesham,” and revealed that there was some information never before published.


When Penniston touched the unknown ship thirty years earlier, he had a kind of telepathic discharge directly to his mind. Images of ones and zeros, images in his mind, that did not disappear until he wrote them later in his house in a notebook that he was wearing at the time. It was a kind of binary code. Experts believe that there is no language more universal or easier to understand than mathematics (between beings speaking different languages) and therefore it would be likely that if an extraterrestrial civilization tried to communicate with humanity they could use numbers.


Penniston never revealed this information, however he says that after the incident, he did not stop having dreams about it and, above all, about the message he had received in binary code. He never undertook the task of trying to decipher it due to his limited knowledge about it, so in October of 2010 he entrusted him with 6 pages of his ones and zeros written by hand to a computer programmer with the hope that this could be translated into a prayer with meaning.


This is an image of the Penniston notebook where I would write down the received binary message:

Penniston binary code Rendlesham Forest incident


The programmer transcribed all the binary code to his computer and after performing a simple conversion he obtained the following:(Rendlesham Forest incident)


EXPLORATIONOGHUMANITY6l & # 193; & # 8240; & # 129; & # 129; & # 169; & # 8216; & # 129; & # 201; & # 161; & # 8216; & # 169; & # 8482; & # 338; & # 141; & # 381?; U & # 208; & # 211; & # 229; I% 9U = UMFORPLANETARYADVAN? & # 8240;
?: & # 170; & # 164; & # 168; & # 144; & # 8224; & # 382; & # 382; & # 710; & # 8217; & # 3? 39; & # 8218; & # 168; & # 352; & # 8224; & # 382; & # 168; & # 168; & # 8217; & # 339; &? # 170; & # 382; & # 168; & # 170; & # 162 ; & # 177; T? & # 144; & # 8216; Q & # 8? 220;


From what can be extracted:


Exploration of Humanity

52 ° 09’42.532? N

13 ° 13’12.69? W





In the message coordinates corresponding to an ancient island today and submerged the island is called HY Brazil, which according to ancient Celtic legend, was the home of a civilization thousands of years ahead of his time also appear.(Rendlesham Forest incident)


ancient island hy-brazil Rendlesham Forest incident


Looking in google maps the coordinates indicated in the message, I find this location:

map coordenas hy brazil Rendlesham Forest incident


Many times in the shallow seabed can be seen remains or elevations that could make us think that an ancient island was there many centuries ago; however, in this case, no indications of this can be found.


An idea a bit far fetched, but that I consider very possible is: “Why think that an island existed in that location? We could open our minds a little and make room for the idea that a floating mother ship or an extraterrestrial base could be positioned in those coordinates; and that simply did not sink, but rose … “

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    3. 8100
    4. 520942532N13131269W
    7. 9H
    9. QUENCE
    10. PRBEFORE
    11. 26763177N89117768W
    12. 34800272N111843567W
    13. 29977836N31131649E
    14. 14701505S75167043W
    15. 36256845N117100632E
    16. 37110195N25372281E
    18. ORIGIN
    19. 520942532N13131269W
    21. 8100

    = Escape Code
    ,,, are extra bits or duplicate bits.
    9H “9H” could also be rH “rH”, however the intention was probably “CE” but JP messed this part up. My guess is JP just got tired of writing 1’s and 0’s.
    My translation is 100% manual and visual no decoding software was used. My translation is from the transcribed binary pages of the JP notebook from Joe R. Luciano website.
    “TUQS Cb” is “QUENCE”. JRL’s decoding software missed it, but with visual inspection I found it. No letters or numbers were altered or corrected here.
    I have a complete 1 to 1 binary translations for each character and extra bits.
    The complete line by line translation is 285 lines, contains 7 and 8 bit ASCII plus partials. Includes Ordinal Column, Binary Column, Hexadecimal Column, Octal Column, Decimal Column and ASCII column all done manually using programmer text editor and no decoding software.
    Reading Binary and Converting to Hexadecimal and ASCII is a common skill for programmers like me. I wish to share this direct translation. This is the condensed version the actual translation is 285 lines as I indicated above.
    Note that website that hosted the actual images of the JP pages is down.

    3. 8100
    4. 520942532N13131269W
    7. 9H
    9. QUENCE
    10. PRBEFORE
    11. 26763177N89117768W
    12. 34800272N111843567W
    13. 29977836N31131649E
    14. 14701505S75167043W
    15. 36256845N117100632E
    16. 37110195N25372281E
    18. ORIGIN
    19. 520942532N13131269W
    21. 8100

    = Escape Code or Decimal 27.
    ,,, are extra bits or duplicate bits.
    9H “9H” could also be rH “rH”, however the intention was probably “CE” but JP messed this part up. My guess is JP just got tired of writing 1’s and 0’s.
    My translation is 100% manual and visual no decoding software was used.
    When I see binary, ie 01000001, I read it as 0x41 hexadecimal not as binary, 0x41 is “A” or 65 Decimal, and 01100001 is 0x61 which is “a” or 97 decimal, numerals 0-9 would be 00110000 (0x30) “0” through 00111001 (0x39) “9”.
    My translation is from the transcribed binary pages of the JP notebook from Joe R. Luciano website.
    “TUQS Cb” is “QUENCE”. JRL’s decoding software missed it, but with visual inspection I found it. No letters or numbers were altered or corrected here.
    I have a complete 1 to 1 binary translations for each character and extra bits.
    The complete line by line translation is 285 lines, contains a mix of 7 and 8 bit ASCII plus partials per line. Includes Ordinal Column, Binary Column, Hexadecimal Column, Octal Column, Decimal Column and ASCII column all done manually using programmer text editor and no decoding software.
    Reading Binary and Converting to Hexadecimal and ASCII is a common skill for programmers like me. I wish to share this direct translation. This is the condensed version my RAW translation is 285 lines as I indicated above and accounts for each 1 and 0.
    Note that website that hosted the actual images of the JP notebook 16 pages of binary is down or offline.

  3. To Moderator:
    please remove my last comment post.
    the html tags greater than and less than symbols are being filtered which makes ruins my post.
    I can repost with these tags removed.
    Thank you!

  4. To moderator please delete my last two posts for Danilel from March 16, 2021. Below is the corrected post. I want to show the extra binary but your HTML filter the greater than and less than symbols removed them. Thanks!

    This is my translation of JP’s binary code. A Repost
    Out of curiousity I did my own translation using the transcribed notes from Joe R. Luciano site.
    My translation was done manually and without decoding software or ASCII charts.
    I have accounted for each 1 and 0. No letters or numbers are altered or corrected.
    This is my condensed version, the full version of my analysis is 285 lines, 1 character or partial binary per line,
    with an ordinal column, binary column, hexadecimal column, octal column, decimal column and ascii column.
    I have also performed checksums and hashing to compare my binary to the original to ensure no 1’s or 0’s were added or removed or positions were altered.

    ——————————— Checksum Results ——————————————————
    Ones 969
    Zeros 1244
    Total 2213
    SHA1 0x4D820375155AE09605E7F3BBDAE2EBA0DC794DDC
    MD5 0x748D27656F8D33F1ABE7912014A9005E

    [Esc] = Escape Code binary [0011011] [0011011] [0011011] Note 7 bits which is acceptable and as written in note book.
    [1],[01],[001],[0],[00] are extra bits or duplicate bits which can be removed or used to correct characters, ie N to O and B to E, and 7 bit E to 8 bit E..
    The point being that the extra binary is just as important as the readable characters and provides a frame of reference and understanding the binary code.
    [0]9[00]H[01] “9H” could also be [0]r[0]H[01] “rH”, however the intention was probably “CE” but JP messed this part up.
    My guess is JP just got tired of writing 1’s and 0’s, I know I would get tired or cramped too.

    Line #9 JRL has “TUQS[10]Cb[1]” which should be “[01]QUENC[01]E”, or to rephrase “TUQS Cb” is “QUENCE”.
    It’s the same exact binary string [01010100010101010101000101010011100100001101100101] parsed differently
    JRL’s decoding software missed it, but with visual inspection I found it which demonstrates limitations of JRL’s software.

    T U Q S [10] C b [1]
    01010100 01010101 01010001 01010011 10 01000011 0110010 1

    [01] Q U E N C [01] E
    01 01010001 01010101 01000101 01001110 01000011 01 1000101

    2. [Esc][Esc][Esc]
    3. 8100
    4. 520942532N13131269W
    5. CONTI[001]NUOUS # Extra [001] is a repeat of last three bits for the I [0100 1001]
    6. [01]FORPLANETARYADVAN # Extra [01] is repeat of first two bits in F [0100 0110]
    7. [0]9[00]H[01] # This could be [0]r[0]H[01], it doesn’t make anything meaningful.
    8. FN[1]URTHCOODINATECONTINUO # The N is [0100 1110], use the [1] to replace the last [0] to make it O – [0100 1111]
    9. [01]QUENC[01]E # The first [01] is repeat of first two bits of Q [0101 0001], The E is 7 bits [100 0101], remove the extra 1 [01 100 0101] to make E [0100 0101]
    10. PRBEFORE
    11. 26763177N89117768W
    12. 34800272N111843567W
    13. 29977836N31131649E
    14. 14701505S75167043W
    15. 36256845N117100632E
    16. 37110195N25372281E
    17. EYESOFYOUREYB[1]S # Last correction B is [0100 0010], it has extra 0 remove the extra 0 and the hanging [1] makes B to E [0100 0101].
    18. ORIGIN
    19. 520942532N13131269W
    21. 8100



  5. Ok, I blew it extra 0 for the QUENCE

    This is my correction: The E should be 100101 instead I goofed 1000101.

    T U Q S [10] C b [1]
    01010100 01010101 01010001 01010011 10 01000011 0110010 1

    [01] Q U E N C [01] E
    01 01010001 01010101 01000101 01001110 01000011 01 100101

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