
Sam, the boy who has proven to be the reincarnation of his grandfather

Today we bring the case of a little boy nicknamed Sam, wherein a recent study has been concluded that there is convincing evidence that he is the reincarnation of his grandfather.


It all started when Sam was 18 months old when his father was changing his diaper, and Sam himself said to his father: “When I was your age, I used to change your diaper.”

Dr. Jim B. Tucker of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia unveiled Sam’s story in a video posted on the university’s website.

Dr. Tucker, who has studied more than 2,500 cases of children who remember their past lives, explained that Sam made some surprising statements while looking at an old family photo album.

One day the father found an old family photo album while doing a thorough cleaning of the home. As Sam’s parents explained, the little boy had never seen a picture of his grandfather.

Sam opened the photo album and began to look at all the photographs when he pointed to a photo of a car and said: “That’s my car.”

The parents were surprised to see that he was pointing to his grandfather’s first car, one that had been very important in his life. 

But Sam’s mother was skeptical and had never believed in the concept of reincarnation.

Then she put him to the test, showed him a picture of his grandfather when he was a child with other children of the same age.

 Sam pointed to his grandfather and said, “I am not.” She corrected him and said he pointed to his grandfather: “No, that’s me,” he replied.

But even with this irrefutable proof, Sam’s mother continued without believing that her son was the grandfather’s reincarnation, so he asked if he remembered anything from his past life.

Then little Sam told him that someone “turned his sister into a fish.” The surprised mother asked Sam what he was talking about and the little boy said: “The bad men.”

Surprisingly, Sam was talking about the grandfather’s sister who had been murdered and her body was thrown into a lake.

 Sam’s father said that the boy didn’t know that story since he never talked about that tragic episode in the family.

Real cases of time travel

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