
Security camera Captures the ghost of a girl chasing a waitress in an English pub

It is true that some paranormal experiences are easily explainable, however, others baffle even experts and in this case, the security camera installed at a British pub Captured the ghost of a girl.
The incident took place in 2019 somewhat around Halloween.

The ghost of a girl

A Security camera installed at the Lamb & Lion Inn pub in High Petergate, York, UK, appears to show a ghost of a girl walking behind a waitress as she cleans tables. 

According to the Assistant Manager, Lee Smith, 32, he was reviewing the video from security cameras and observed the strange presence on the premises in astonishment. 
Lee, who has been working at the pub for four years, says the images have not been edited

In an interview given to a British newspaper ‘The York Press‘ , following was told by Lee.

“The camera is near the bar area and I was there preparing it after breakfast. I was checking the CCTV to see where my partner, Molly, was while we were cleaning up and getting ready for the next day. I saw the silhouette of what appeared to be a ghost and that surprised me, thinking ‘what the hell is that? Molly didn’t see anything so I called her over and she came and looked at the pictures. She was as surprised as I was. “


However, this is one more of the paranormal phenomena in the pub, as patrons have previously reported strange incidents, such as hearing a child cry upstairs. 
Lee was more convinced after Molly told him that she felt someone behind her.
He asserted that some of the other workers have also claimed to have seen ghosts on other occasions. 

“I don’t believe in ghosts, but this video is pretty compelling. Many people say it is the light that shines through the window and another said it could be cobwebs, but there are none. It looks like a little girl in a dress.”


According to the description on the pub’s website, the Lamb & Lion Inn was devastated by fire in the 17th century and later rebuilt, and is now a heaven for all those who wish to go back in time and immerse themselves in the captivating history of York from an environment Victorian. 
Apart from being a pub, it also has quaint rooms linked by narrow passages full of character.

Skeptics say that the anomaly is simply a bug in the camera, a simple light effect, or a speck of dust.
However, the images are quite clear and you can see the presence of a figure moving through the door.
Also, we must take into account the strange feeling of the waitress, that there was someone else behind her. 
Although we cannot rule out that it is all a viral marketing strategy for Halloween.

What is your take on the terrifying video? Does it show the ghost of a girl? Or do you have another explanation?

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