Shogo Canyon

8,000 Years Old Shogo Canyon Cave Paintings Shows Ancient Alien Contact

Shogo Canyon is located in Utah, USA, and for several millennia, Native Americans have painted it with rather strange images.

Shogo Canyon Cave Paintings Shows Ancient Alien Contact

The most ancient petroglyphs date back to 8 thousand years and the tribe that created them does not even have a personal name in history, they are simply called “archaic peoples”.

Some of Sego’s drawings are fairly common, representing people with farm animals or hunting scenes, but about 80 of the figures are among those that ufologists consider evidence of ancient alien contact.

They are large figures without limbs or with something like wings, with huge eyes or no eyes at all, with horns, crests, or strange “antennas on their heads.”

Shogo Canyon Cave Paintings Shows Ancient Alien Contact
Shogo Canyon Cave Paintings Shows Ancient Alien Contact

Historians and archaeologists have long wondered what these frightening figures could represent and generally agree that these could be images of creatures from the world of spirits or gods that shamans saw during their sessions.

“With the help of spirit helpers, patron deities, and divine or semi-divine beings, shamans – travelers between worlds connect with ancestral spirits and supernatural forces in the interests of healing, fertility, divination, successful hunting, combat exploits and weather control,” says archaeologist Polly Shafsma , a great specialist in Indian rock paintings.

However, this is only one of the theories; officially there is still no single version of what these petroglyphs might be.

After the “archaic peoples” in these places in the period of 600-1250s of our era, the “Fremont River tribe” lived, who also created very strange petroglyphs with triangular figures in incomprehensible decorations. 

After them, the Yuta tribe lived here until the end of the 19th century and their rock paintings can be called the “poorest” in terms of “unusualness”, but they also have such mysterious things in the drawings as huge circles, it is not clear what they meant.

Shogo Canyon Cave Paintings Shows Ancient Alien Contact

Proponents of the paleocontact theory suggest that the strange figures in the cave paintings of Sego Canyon depict aliens who once visited the Earth. They point to large, sunken eyes and triangular shaped heads, indicating that the figures were definitely not human. And that aliens have been visiting these places for thousands of years and have been associated with both the culture of the “archaic peoples” and the tribe of the Fremont River and the Ute, although much less often with the latter.

As evidence, they cite the fact that although shamanism was very widespread among the Indian tribes, the strange figures of the Shogo Canyon are almost a unique phenomenon, other tribes did not draw anything like this on the rocks.

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