
Surgeon Roger Leir And His Study Of Mysterious Alien Implants

Aliens do not just abduct people for the sake of strange experiments, they also often insert various small objects of an incomprehensible structure into their bodies. 
The most notable of these “clues” are tiny, hard objects of various shapes and materials that have been inserted into the bodies of patients for an unclear purpose. 
Ufologists call them “alien implants”.
What are these strange objects?
Something like the collars that scientists put on captured animals?

One of the strangest features of the alien abduction phenomenon is when physical evidence of the alien abductions remains inside or on the bodies of the victims.
The physical evidence could be in a variety of burns, cuts, or punctures with incomprehensible tools, fresh traces of scars, a strange rash on the skin, areas on the body where hair has completely stopped growing, unusual sensations in the body, and many other strange injuries.
The strange alien implants are in the form of pieces of rare metals, strange wiring, something that looks like electrodes or microcircuit. 
Most often they are found around ​​the nose (pushed almost to the brain) and at times in the limbs.

Sometimes these strange alien implants are discovered by accident during a medical examination in a hospital, or when the patient is tormented by unusual sensations in a certain place, after which he himself comes to take an X-ray of the particular body part, and then something strange is found in the picture, inserted deep under the skin.

Many doctors are baffled by these ” alien implants”, but in most of the cases, they consider them to be accidental injuries when a foreign object enters the body through a cut or after being swallowed. 
However, there is a surgeon who has dedicated his life to the study of these mysterious Alien implants. 
His name was Roger Krevin Leir (1935-2014).

Surgeon Roger Leir And His Study Of Mysterious Alien Implants

Roger Krevin Leir began his career as a respectable orthopedic surgeon from the state of California and initially had no interest in ufology.
However, he gradually started reading books about UFOs and aliens, began attending various meetings of UFO fans, and then became a member of the local branch of MUFON – the American UFO network.

In 1955, everything changed for him, that very year, he attended a UFO event, where he saw X-rays of a woman claiming to have been abducted by aliens.
The photographs clearly showed something abnormal in the woman’s body and Dr. Leir, being a surgeon, immediately realized that this was something unusual. 
He examined several metal objects in the pictures at once and then told the woman that he could remove the object from her body. 
Leir was driven by curiosity and he wanted to study these strange objects and understand what they could be.

Surgeon Roger Leir And His Study Of Mysterious Alien Implants

When he operated on the victim, he discovered that they were two tiny pieces of metal that consisted of aluminum and meteoric iron. 
There were no scars on the surface of the skin where the object was implanted and there was no trace of inflammation in the connective tissue as if the woman’s body did not consider these alien implants to be foreign bodies.

Leir was baffled after discovering these alien implants.
He later found another patient with the same implants, and when the objects were pulled out, the extracted objects had unusual properties and it is unclear that how these objects got into the body.
Leir realized that these cases were isolated and in subsequent years he began to work with such people, and created a non-profit organization called “A&S Research”. 

Surgeon Roger Leir And His Study Of Mysterious Alien Implants

During their work, Leir and his assistants operated on about two dozen people, removing many different strange objects from their bodies. 
All the alleged alien implants were unique, their shape was not repeated, it seemed that the implants were made for each person individually.
Some of them consisted of rare elements, for example, one implant contained U-236, an isotope of uranium, and another contained iridium.
A whole group of implants had elements that are found only in meteorites.
Various alien implants showed strange crystalline structures that looked like carbon nanofibers or nanotubes, covered with a hard oily layer that prevented the body from rejecting them.
Some implants were magnetic, and some were said to emit obscure radio waves at the “deep space-frequency” and continued to emit these signals even after being removed from the body. 

Leir said that he had been confronted with various cases when during the operation he tried to remove the implants, the alien implants were extremely resistant to conventional instruments, and only with the help of a laser, he was able to damage some of them.

In Leir’s practice, there was one frightening case when one strange implant during removal suddenly broke into several pieces but then began to come together by itself. 
Leir wrote about this incident in the paranormal X News Magazine:

“This was case number 15, which involved a male patient. He was married and had several young children and lived in southern California. He had several abductions in his life, including when he was abducted with his wife and their children.

One morning he woke up with a pain in his toe, and then he saw several spots of blood on the sheet. The very next day he contacted me and came to my office. At first, he hid the fact that he was being kidnapped, he came as a regular patient with pain in his leg. 

After examination, I found a foreign body in his finger, although there was not a single wound on it and there were no traces of blood anywhere. I took an x-ray and found a metal foreign body. It hurt the patient and I recommended removing it surgically.

During a follow-up visit, the patient told me that he had been abducted by aliens and that is why he decided to contact me. He filled out a questionnaire and I assigned him an operation. And then an incomplete list of those unusual events.

Here is what happened during this operation:
1) All our operations are carried out under the control of the X-ray apparatus “C Arm”, this helps the surgeon to see the desired object on the screen during the operation. And for the first time in our practice of such operations, the object split into several parts. 
We placed each piece on gauze and then transferred it to a container filled with serum from the patient’s blood. We managed to remove all pieces of the object from our finger, except for the last one, and when we decided to remove the last one, it suddenly disappeared somewhere. It was nowhere to be seen on the C Arm screen. We searched for it for a long time, but then we gave up.
2) Three days later, I took the container with pieces of the object for the next inspection and saw that all the pieces were lined up in a row at the bottom of the container. I closed the container, shook it, and then put it on the table and waited 15 minutes. Then I opened it again and was shocked to see the pieces of the object again lined up next to each other.
I called our operator, he came and we filmed this phenomenon several times. We have no explanation for this strange behavior of objects, the only version is that all the pieces were made of a material with a special magnetic memory.

Surgeon Roger Leir And His Study Of Mysterious Alien Implants

With each such strange occurrence, Roger Leir became more and more convinced that they were dealing with alien technology. 
He assumed that these implants were a kind of tracking sensor for certain people, or they were supposed to track the physical condition of these people. 
He assured that in his research he adhered to the most rigorous scientific methods. 

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