
Texas took two mysterious sun on the horizon

Talk about the approach to the Earth of the mysterious and deadly Nibiru, aka Planet X, excite the minds of mankind for a long time. In this millennium of her once again talking about a decade ago – after a secret American Observatory, hidden in Antarctica, there was a big leak. It is believed that Nibiru is inexorably moving towards us, and when it comes into the solar system, our planet expect incredible cataclysm that will destroy all life on earth .(Texas took two mysterious sun on the horizon)

During this time, the World Wide Web appeared a great many pictures or videos allegedly showing the mysterious Planet X in the sky above us. Most of these materials allow to contemplate the glowing orbs on the horizon, right next to the sun. Hence, the spectators may get the impression that the photo or video depicted two sun. Orthodox scientists and other skeptics, appeared on television, in the media, the Internet argue that there is no Nibiru and Planet X, or for a second sun impressionable person with cameras take the moon, halo, clouds with discarded them light, and the like.(Texas took two mysterious sun on the horizon)

Texas took two mysterious sun on the horizon

However, if it is really an optical effect, it is still very unusual. The other day another such record hit the World Wide Web. User-known video sharing «YouTube» under the pseudonym LsGunZ06 published on the site an amazing video, which shows two lights in the evening sky. According to the author’s posts, he had lived all his life in Texas, had never encountered anything like this before. American claims that filming the video of his car, but was unable to do so, both “sun” appeared in the same frame, as they were too far from each other on the horizon. By the way, in a sensational planet Nibiru operator does not believe, however, asks Internet users – what is it, how is it possible: two sun ..?

Video: The Texan took two mysterious sun on the horizon



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