
They record a triangular UFO absorbing the energy of a ray

Over the years there have been reports of strange aircraft that defy all laws of physics. Those who have witnessed his presence in our skies have assured that they are very large and silent, but what is most striking is their unusual form: triangular. In fact, the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) came to investigate sightings of such unidentified flying objects. According to a report published on its website, since the late eighties has been informed of the presence of these mysterious aircraft.(triangular UFO)

Some witnesses claim to have seen the huge object, 180 to 240 meters wide, flying silently. These “ships” moved so slowly that a person could run after her. The impossible movements and their strange designs make them look like no known plane. However, despite the innumerable reports of triangular UFOs over the years, there is currently very little information about their origin or purpose. Therefore, the mystery of the “flying triangles” continues. Although thanks to the Internet we already have evidence about its existence. As a new video that clearly shows a strange triangular flying object in the middle of a thunderstorm.(triangular UFO)

The triangular UFO

The popular UFO researcher Tyler Glockner, who runs the YouTube channel ‘Secureteam10’, has recently uploaded a video showing an unidentified flying object in the form of a triangle in the middle of a thunderstorm . Glockner reveals that the triangular UFO could have been hidden among the rays.

“Very clear,” Glockner explained. “And what I can deduce from this, without a doubt, is that it’s a strange object or maybe a strange cloud that has the shape of a TR-3B. Whatever the object, it must be hidden in the sky. It looks black. It seems rigid. It looks like a triangular, or lighter, typical V-shaped object. “

In the video you can clearly see a triangular object in the sky in the middle of huge rays that cross the clouds. And after analyzing the images, Glockner claimed to have detected other lights coming out of the ship in a triangular shape.

“It seems that these mysterious objects are feeding the 200,000 amperes of lightning to charge their intergalactic batteries, ” he continued explaining the responsible for ‘Secureteam10’. “The UFO seems to be immune to lightning attacks. The object is absorbing the energy of the beam. “(triangular UFO)


The video uploaded by Glockner on November 23 became viral on social networks, with users offering various theories to explain the strange sighting. Most argued that the strange triangular object could be an extraterrestrial craft or the well-known TR-3B, a supposed American spy plane made with reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technology.

The nicknamed “Black Triangle” has been the subject of debate in the conspiracy community for the past two decades. Conspiracy theorists believe that the United States Air Force managed to develop this ship using Area 51 antigravity technology. In addition, the scientists in charge of the secret project would have been helped by extraterrestrial civilizations. However, this new video would show that this type of advanced ships are prepared to absorb the energy of the rays to travel on our planet and through space.(triangular UFO)

triangular UFO lightning energy - They record a triangular UFO absorbing the energy of a ray

While many people said that the images clearly show an alien ship, some are not so sure. The most skeptical have suggested that it is simply a hole in the clouds that is illuminated by lightning, dirt in the lens of the camera, or computer generated images (CGI), in other words, a montage.

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