Underwater alien bases: The mystery of the OSNIs

When we think of alien life, we often look at the stars. We talk about inhabited worlds and visitors from other planets that cross our skies. But what if we look at other places? What if we can learn more about unknown objects seen in the water?

The stories of OSNIs are gaining popularity, the sighting of strange boats launching through bodies of water and easily passing between water and air are increasing. However, these events and objects are not a new phenomenon, one of the first incidents occurred in the 15th century, and one of those involved was Christopher Columbus.

Columbus on his trip to America with his crew made the claim to see a bright, pulsating ball of light, beneath the surface of the ocean. This orb that then rose through the water broke the surface and flew through the sky. This sighting was probably not a fantasy of those who made a long trip by sea, since Columbus faced the punishment for telling his story. This punishment was not so much for saying that he had seen OSNIs, but for reporting that what he saw looked like a Menorah.

Explanations for these submerged lights come in a variety of forms, from bio-luminescent marine creatures such as giant squid and jellyfish to astronomical phenomena such as ball lightning. More modern sightings claim that they are secret government technologies and submarine military bases. The latter is very possible, but this does not explain the older sightings like Columbus.

Those who follow the phenomenon of use say that the reason why these sightings go back so far is twofold: the sea is one of the largest unexplored areas in which we venture. Could the Earth and its oceans be a landing point on the alien space road? Some of the most attractive locations for these bases are the following:

The suspicious underwater base off of Puffin Island on the Welsh coast. Over the years and decades, this place has been a kind of breeding ground for the activity of the OSNIs. This has led many ufologists to conclude that a submerged alien base is established on the coast of Wales.

The year 1974 saw an increase in activity around the area, ranging from the sighting of lights in the sky to descriptions of large triangular boats that even reported abductions and sightings of humanoid creatures that, according to witnesses, told them their base under the sea .

Recently UFO activity has been minimized, statistics show a decrease in reported sightings, however, these sites contradict this research, with an 80 percent increase in activity at these sites, worldwide.

These aquatic occurrences are not confined to the oceans alone. Lakes and inland bodies of water also harbor suspect underwater bases.

The crystal clear waters of Lake Titicaca border Peru and Bolivia. They are the highest navigable waters in the world and have also been a site of high activity and OSNIs. It has been said that the lake hides an old alien base. The original peoples of Tiwanaku give offerings to these extraterrestrials in the lake, these in the form of gold gifts, stone statues, corn and other valuable merchandise. These items are thrown into the waters of Lake Titicaca in an attempt to keep the gods happy.

Also Read : Google Moon reveals a strange “Pyramid” on the lunar surface

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