US Military Saw And Attacked Grey Aliens Carrying Soldiers To UFO During Vietnam War, Killed One

US Military Saw And Attacked Grey Aliens Carrying Soldiers To UFO During Vietnam War, Killed One

The Grey aliens are the most well-known alien species among humans because they frequently visit the planet and abduct people, providing information on their appearance to dozens of eyewitnesses. In 1972, during the Vietnam War, several U.S. troops witnessed grey aliens putting human corpses into containers.

Leonard H. Stringfield
Leonard H. Stringfield

In his book UFO Crash Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum VI, Leonard H. Stringfield wrote about the Grays’ putting human corpses into the containers. Stringfield, a pioneer in the field of Ufology, conducted an extensive investigation into the recovered wreckage of a crashed spacecraft and published his findings. In his UFO Crash/Retrievals series, he wrote seven reports that tell unbelievable stories about flying saucers that have crashed.

During the ongoing Vietnam War, in 1972, US soldiers were sent to Tong Li Sap, Cambodia, which is situated in Southeast Asia, in order to destroy a Vietnamese base in North Vietnam as it was listening in on the most classified communications of the United States Army, which was in South Vietnam. A SWAT team consisting of highly trained US troops set up camp there overnight and planned to carry out the attack on the Vietnamese base early in the morning.

As U.S. soldiers went further towards the enemy base camp, they witnessed something that blew their minds. The troops noticed a large, spherical-shaped UFO propped up on three sturdy metal legs. Soon, the UFO began to make a humming sound, which made the US military personnel instantly nauseous, dizzy, and disoriented. Feeling the threat, the group leader was ready to issue a retreat order.

But out of nowhere, a group of strange-looking people-like creatures showed up. The U.S. troops were not afraid of witnessing the strange humanoids, but their actions definitely scared the troops. The troops’ accounts suggest that the aliens were of the grey species. The greys were putting different parts of human bodies, like arms, legs, torsos, heads, and more, into large containers.

The body parts belonged to humans of different colors and nationalities. There were white bodies, black bodies, and what appeared to be Vietnamese bodies. The special forces observed something that shocked and infuriated them, and their leader issued the order to fire. One of the bullets hit straight at an alien in its head, and he died at that moment, while the rest of the aliens who got bullets below their heads were unharmed.

Grey Aliens
Grey Aliens

Retaliation by aliens using unknown weaponry caused the deaths of several commandos and severely injured many more. Then the alien got back into the UFO and took off into space. Another CIA team arrived shortly after, and one of the survivors revealed that everyone had been given medicine to make them forget about the terrible battle they had just experienced. The mind-altering drugs worked for a few minutes, and soon the soldiers retraced their memories.

Aftermath Of The Encounter Of U.S. Military With Greys

Two soldiers from the special force unit that had participated in the combat with the aliens began having nightmares about the events of April 1972 in the late 1980s. These nightmares prompted one of the soldiers to get in touch with other soldiers from that battle.

UFO Crash Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum by Leonard Stringfield
UFO Crash Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum by Leonard Stringfield

He managed to track down the location and identity of several soldiers. Two of the members had passed away, and three had been unable to be located. The remaining members were able to get together in August of 1988 and came to the conclusion that their tale should be revealed to the public. So they approached UFO researcher Leonard H. Stringfield, who agreed and published the story in his book UFO Crash Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum-Status Report VI. The book was published in 1991.

The evidence collected by Stringfield and presented in his monograph, The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome, Status Report II (MUFON, 1980), is much beyond persuasive, as it boggles the imagination. In his report, Stringfield summarizes the opinions of numerous unnamed medical examiners who looked at alien bodies recovered from crashes between 1947 and 1980.

This speculative morphology describes a purported extraterrestrial humanoid measuring 3.5 to 4.5 feet in height and weighing 40 pounds. Unlike Fox TV’s Alien Autopsy, this one might actually be accurate. Dr. Barry Taff, who has a PhD in psychophysiology and a certificate in biomedical engineering, backed up his alien autopsy findings.

Soldiers injured during Vietnam war
Soldiers injured during Vietnam war

He is a well-known parapsychology expert. From 1969 to 1978, he worked as a research associate at UCLA’s former parapsychology laboratory.

Notes From Medical Examiners

Two round eyes without pupils. Under heavy brow ridge, eyes described variously as large, almond shaped, elongated, sunken or deep set, far apart, slightly slanted, appearing “Oriental” or “Mongoloid.”

By human standards, the head is large in relation to the limbs and torso. It has been compared with a 5-month old human fetus

No ear lobes or protrusive flesh extending beyond apertures on each side of the.  Nose is vague. Two snares are indicated with only slight protuberance.

Mouth indicated as a small “slit” without lips opening into a small cavity, and appears not   to function as a means of communication or as an orifice for food ingestion.

Neck is described as being thin and in some instances not visible because of the garment on that section of the body.

Most observers describe the head of the humanoid alien as hairless.  One source said the pate showed a slight fuzz. Bodies are described as hairless.

The torso is generally described as small and thin.   In most instances, the body was observed wearing a flexible, metallic garment.

Arms are described as long, thin and reaching down to the knee section.

One type of hand consists of four fingers and no thumb; two of the fingers appear longer than the others.  Some observers have seen fingernails; others none.  A slight webbing effect between fingers was noted by three authoritative observers. Other reports indicate types of hands with both less and more than four fingers.

Legs are reported as short and thin. Feet of one type are described as toe-less. Most observers describe feet as covered. One said alien foot looked like an orangutan’s.

Skin is not  described as green. Some claim beige, tan, brown or gray with a tanish or pinkish cast. One said it looked “almost bluish-gray under the deep freeze light,”  In two instances, the bodies were charred a dark brown in the wake of an alleged crash.

Skin texture is described as scaly or reptilian, and as stretchable, elastic or mobile over smooth muscle or skeletal tissue. No striated muscle, no perspiration, no body odor.

No teeth

No apparent reproductive organs. No genitalia. An absence of sexual organs suggests that they were perhaps atrophied by evolutionary degeneration, or the possibilities that some aliens, and perhaps all, do not reproduce like human beings, or that cadavers studied may have originated through cloning or other artificial means.

To most observers, the humanoids appear to be “formed out of a mold,” sharing identical facial characteristics rather than individuality displayed by humans.

Brain and its capacity unknown.

Colorless liquid present in body, without red cells; alien circulation not oxygen carrying. No lymphocytes. No food or water intake known; in one known retrieval, witness noted that no food was aboard. Absence of digestive system, gastrointestinal tract, alimentary canal and rectal area.

More than one humanoid type. Life span unknown. Descriptive types of alien anatomy may be nor more diverse than those known among Earth’s Homo Sapiens. Other recovered alien types or other grotesque configurations, or human, are unknown at this time. Origins also unknown.

Stringfield also came in contact with a physician who in the early 1950’s allegedly performed an autopsy on an EBE. The witness described the body as follows:

SIZE: “The specimen observed was 4 feet, three and three-eighths inches tall. I cannot remember the weight. It has been so long, and my files do not indicate the weight.  I recall the length well, because we had a disagreement and everyone took their turn measuring.”

HEAD:   “The head was pear-shaped in appearance and over-sized by human standards for the body.  The eyes were Mongoloid in appearance.  The ends of the eyes furthest from the nasal cavity slated upwards at about a ten-degree angle.  There seemed to be no visible eyelids, only what seemed like a fold. The nose consisted of a small, fold-like protrusion above the nasal orifices. The mouth seemed to be a wrinkle-like fold.  There were no human lips as such—-just a slit that opened into an oral cavity about two inches deep.  A membrane along the rear of the cavity separated it from what would be the digestive tract.

“The tongue seemed to be atrophied into almost a membrane.  No teeth were observed.  X-rays revealed a maxilla and mandible as well as a cranial bone structure.  The outer ‘ear lobes’ didn’t exist.  The auditory orifices present were similar to our middle ear and inner ear canals.  The head contained no hair follicles. The skin seemed grayish in color and seemed mobile when stretched,”

According to Dr. Barry Taff, These are some of the notes directly from medical examiners
Dr. Barry Taff
Dr. Barry Taff

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