
A man discovered a UFO landing site in the forest and heard strange screams

A resident of Plymouth, England, Ben Landricomb on Monday, June 13 was in a tourist camp near the village of Meddon, near Bideford, County Devon and he happened to stumble upon a place in the forest as to which he consider was some sort of a UFO landing site.

At some point, he decided to go for a walk in the forest with his dog. 

At about 4 pm Ben came upon a very strange place in the forest, which was littered with tree trunks, as if they were bent to the ground, and then some very powerful force broke it.

The strangest thing was when Ben discovered that the tops of many trees had been broken off. Then he thought that maybe in this place a UFO might have landed here.


UFO landing site

Moreover, when Ben started filming this place on his phone, he felt as if someone was looking at him, and then he heard very strange sounds, as if some creature screamed loudly.

This was enough for Ben and his dog to run away from this place, trying to quickly return to their tourist camp. 

UFO landing site

According to Ben, it was a very eerie place and it became even more scary when he heard loud noises that sounded like screams. 

“Something definitely fell here, look at it. BOOM! Now there’s a massive gap in the forest, all the trees are bent, there is a huge hole in the forest.

“Aliens,” Ben says in the video. 

The nature reserve in the region of Meddon is known as a great place for tourism, deforestation is not carried out here and the inhabitants of the village of Meddon every year take a lot of tourists. 

At the moment, the local city council is trying to understand what exactly Ben Landricombe photographed in the forest. Ben still goes out searching for more evidence regarding this UFO landing site.

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