If this video is real, then maybe there was an attempt by a UFO to kidnap a calf in order to mutilate it, and then throw a dead body somewhere nearby.

A unique video (see below) was filmed somewhere in the countryside of Argentina. The video was filmed on July 20, 2021, somewhere in the vicinity of the city of Chos-Malal, the Argentine province of Neuquen, but no further information is provided about it.
Presumably, the author of the video was driving along a rural road in some kind of slow village transport when he saw a white ball in front, which was hovering over a calf standing on the edge of the road. This white ball descended to the calf and approached it very close, but then suddenly flew up and began to intensively go into the sky, losing the brightness of the glow.

Presumably, It flew away because it noticed people approaching. When the author of the video drives past the calf, the animal looks unharmed. If this video is real, then maybe there was an attempt by a UFO to kidnap a calf in order to mutilate it, and then throw a dead body somewhere nearby.
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