The concept of time travel is considered a very fascinating topic for most people. The ability to move back and forth in time can give rise to many possibilities that cannot be understood in the true sense. There have been numerous claims of time machines and one such famous case is of a time machine called the “Chronovisor”

Marcello Pellegrino Ernetti And The Chronovisor Time Machine
However, this mystery is likely to become even more mysterious if someone claims to have witnessed an important historical event by going back in time using a time travel machine.
We are talking about a certain invention called Chronovisor, with the help of which, allegedly, scenes from the life of Jesus Christ were captured on photographic film. And now this device, as it is believed, is kept in the Vatican in especially strict secrecy.
This story began with a man named Marcello Pellegrino Ernetti (1925-1992), who was born in Italy. He was a respected Catholic who devoted his whole life to the service of the church. He had many followers and students.
He was also known as an exorcist, one of the most popular in Venice, a musician, a Bible student, and also a scientist, however strange it may sound. And one day, just before the outbreak of World War II, he made the strange claim that he was part of a group that had created a time travel machine they called the Chronovisor.
Other members of the 12-member group are believed to have included Enrico Fermi and Wernher von Braun, the famous Italian physicist and no less famous German rocket scientist.
Ernetti further stated that through the Chronovisor, which outwardly resembled a television with a screen and a special keypad, he saw with his own eyes the speeches of Cicero, Napoleon, and scenes with the participation of Jesus Christ. In support of his statement, he showed a certain photo with Jesus, which was allegedly taken by the Chronovisor.

News of the time travel machine spread like wildfire. Many believers sincerely believed that the Vatican now possesses a mysterious and powerful device that allows people not only to return to the past but also to film and observe what is happening in real-time.
This photo of the alleged Chronovisor was published in the Italian magazine La Domenica del Corriere in 1972. And it was quickly proven that it was a fake, as the image was exactly copied from an old postcard.

This seriously shattered faith in Ernetti’s words and the existence of the Chronovisor, although Ernetti himself indicated that the published photo was not related to the Chronovisor, since their machine did not give such a clear picture.
In an attempt to prove his case, Ernetti also published a transcript of a lost play by Quintus Ennius in Latin, also claimed to have been obtained with the Chronovisor.
And a friend of Ernetti named François Brunet said that real evidence of the existence of the Chronovisor, including a genuine photo of Christ, was destroyed during the Second World War, shortly after Ernetti’s statements, as Pope Pius XII and Benito Mussolini decided that this posed a threat to society.
Under their pressure, according to Brunet, Ernetti shut down the Chronovisor project and likely dismantled the device. But Brunet himself did not really believe in the latter, believing that the Chronovisor could be stored somewhere in the archives of the Vatican, and maybe they were still secretly using it.
Much of what we know about the Chronovisor was published in Brunet’s 2002 book Le Nouveau Mystère du Vatican. Since Ernetti died 10 years earlier, unfortunately, it is not known if this is true or fiction.
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