
Controversy: NASA Spacecraft Captures Old Mining Machine on Eros Asteroid? (Video)

The 433 Eros is a peanut-shaped (or peanut) asteroid, and is composed of magnesium and iron silicates, most common in the inner asteroid belt. It was discovered on 13 August 1898 by astronomers Carl Gustav Witt in Berlin and Auguste Charlois in Germany. In February 2001 the NASA spacecraft NEAR Shoemaker landed on its surface.(Old Mining Machine on Eros Asteroid)

Old Mining Machine on Eros Asteroid

The probe obtained more than 160,000 images and identified more than 100,000 craters. In this way, the researchers discovered that Eros is a solid object and not a set of debris joined by gravity. Their study is important so that scientists can decide how best to avoid potential impact in the future.

The curious thing is that in several of the photographs that were obtained, numerous “anomalies” appear that NASA seems to overlook, considering them simple rocks. Something whose morphology in no way resembles natural structures.

This particular image of Eros, taken from the NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft on May 1, 2000, at an orbiting altitude of 53 kilometers, shows, according to NASA, a large rectangular rock of 45 meters in diameter.(Old Mining Machine on Eros Asteroid)

But is it really a rock or could it be some kind of old mining machine?

Given that the spacecraft data collected from Eros in December 1998 suggests that it could contain 20 billion kilograms of aluminum and similar amounts of metals that are rare on Earth, such as gold and platinum … is it not unlikely that the call rock is a mining machine that has been used by an advanced alien civilization for the extraction of all these valuable metals? Here is an interesting JL videoprogram for Unknown World.

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