
Former CIA Pilot John Lear: “There Are Millions Of Aliens Living On The Moon”

The former CIA pilot, John Lear, gave an interview that has completely surprised the world. Lear has declared controversial information, such as names, details, and the range of 250 million humanoid aliens that, according to him, live on the Moon.

As if that were not enough, Lear has also reported that below the surface of the Moon, there are urban areas where races of gray extraterrestrials live. According to the former CIA pilot, in these underground facilities, there are laboratories where genetic experiments are carried out.

John Lear is a well-known and controversial character in the UFO community. In the 80s and 90s, he gave revelations referring to top secret information about extraterrestrial activity.

John Lear
John Lear

At that time Lear said:

In 1953, an alien ship crashed and captured an extraterrestrial we called EBE 3, which then helped the US government. to build some spacecraft with extraterrestrial technology. In 1962 we had vehicles that could not go faster than the speed of light, like alien vehicles, but fast enough to reach the Moon in 60 minutes and a few hours to go to Mars. The first flight to Mars took place in 1966, even on the red planet there are around 600 million alien beings and some human colonies. “

John Lear

According to Lear, NASA has edited the photographs taken by Apollo missions 8, 10, and 11 to prevent some secrets of the Moon from being revealed.

These photographs were published in 1971 in the NASA book SB2-46. Despite the editing of images, it is still possible to see a city, a spatial base, pipes, roads, vegetation, air, atmosphere, 66% of gravity compared to Earth, lights, mining operations, and a nuclear reactor.

To do this, extraterrestrial collaboration was needed since many buildings on the Moon were already there before the operations began. 
This has been done for the last 40 years. John’s father had been involved in antigravity technology programs in the mid-1950s, a completely secret technology today.

Possible Alien Construction On The Moon
Possible Alien Construction On The Moon

According to Lear, everything we know about the Moon is a government sham with the specific objective of hiding its extraterrestrial activities and programs. 
He also says that the government has hidden the fact that there are many planets in the universe like Earth.

Lear added:

I can not prove it, or I would already be dead. I can not show you an image of the USS Enterprise up there now. It is precisely what makes sense to know the technology obtained after the US government. I have injected billions or trillions of dollars into all of Tesla’s investigations . “

And that’s not all. Lear also gave another statement, which may be the most surprising of all. Lear said that our planet is actually a planetary prison and serves as a prison institution where prisoners must reach a higher level of consciousness.

Surprising statements like the previous ones logically need evidence. Unfortunately, Lear has no way to prove it, and as he says, if he had them he would already be dead.
We are aware that other researchers who have come close to the truth have ended their days in strange ways. Although these stories sound like fantasy, we cannot rule them out.

First-world governments carry out secret projects, invest in advanced technology, and have great secrets that they refuse to declassify. Little by little, we will know the truth, and the truth is more fascinating than fiction.

What do you think? leave us your comments below.

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  1. It all sounds possible to me …I definitely believe we have been kept in the dark as to just about everything that’s been going on with history and extra terrestrial life and other planets and what these ‘powers that be’ have been doing (and still are) in secret and I pray with every cell in my body that the truth will be revealed ASAP!! as tough as that might be to hear for some!! the world needs to know the truth ! We deserve to know the truth! 🧐

  2. Where’s better to live when you’ve reached that higher level of consciousness? Humans ruined earth. Nasty too. What’s the moon and it’s beings like?

  3. So, for over seventy years they have been helping/showing us how to build spacecraft that can reach really fast speeds, but, we are still using the model T Ford engines to get into space???
    Millions of ‘humans’ on Mars – breathing OK I hope!! The ‘Aliens’ we see here on Earth never seem to be wearing any sort of clothing or uniform, why?? and of course, they can breathe our air!!?? Believe it when I see it for myself . . .

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