The Stanford scientist Dr. Garry Nolan made this and other shocking statements at a SALT conference in New York yesterday.

He holds the Rachford and Carlota A. Harris Professor Endowed Chair in the Department of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine
This series of conferences and conversations organized by SALT (Salt Art and Leadership Talks) aims to encourage creativity, innovation, and the exchange of ideas between different disciplines and sectors. The participants are usually artists, business leaders, entrepreneurs, academics, and professionals from various fields, who share their perspectives, experiences, and knowledge with the audience.
And one of the speakers was Dr. Garry Nolan, a Stanford academic who recently rose to fame after his statements about UFOs and for having assured that the US government has material in its possession — that he himself has analyzed — and technology obtained from them.
When asked by his interlocutor if we have been visited by extraterrestrials, he replied that not only have we been visited, but that “they have been here for a long time.”
«Some point to the famous sign Wow! when they refer to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, but the true signal is the one that people see almost on a regular basis,” Nolan said, clearly referring to what SETI did seem futile when the UFO phenomenon is manifesting so close to home. , right here.
“I am 100% sure that they have visited us,” he added when asked to put a number to the probability for such a statement. “And I am not the only one”.

The academic then pointed out that the issue is so important that it led to the creation of the All Domains Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), dedicated to studying the reports of the unidentified both in the air and in space and oceans.
And also to the formulation of an amendment in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) last year whose objective was to grant immunity to any military or scientist who has worked on secret UFO programs and wants to reveal what he knows before Congress.
It is known that this process, where complainants can provide important data without suffering retaliation and litigation, is currently taking place in Washington DC In relation to this, Nolan assured that last weekend one of the complainants “stirred up the hornet’s nest” by declaring about a reverse engineering program applied to UFOs.
If they are so advanced, why do they crash on Earth?
The question is asked by Garry Nolan himself during the talk and he answers it himself.
“If you want to study a tribe of cannibals in the middle of the Amazon, are you going to go yourself and apparate to the middle of the tribe and hope you don’t become their dinner? If you are an advanced intelligence, you are not going to put your life in danger by going there,” he said. “Mostly what we’re seeing here—and what’s crashed—are probes or some form of artificial intelligence.”
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