
James Fox Shares Letter from UFO Reverse Engineering Program Insider

Documentary filmmaker James Fox has publicly shared a letter from a first-hand witness who claims to have participated in programs related to the recovery of extraterrestrial technology. According to him, the process has already begun for him to become a whistleblower before the Inspector General of the US Intelligence Community.

James Fox Shares Letter from UFO Reverse Engineering Program Insider

He read the letter during an extensive interview for the program Anything Goes with James English , where he talked about several related topics. Below is a translation and transcription of it:

“Hello James,

»It has been a while since we collaborated on a public statement. As you know, I am working to get private industry and Congress to collaborate on materials and biologicals related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs). Yes, they are both part of the legacy program. I know we have received some strange comments from people who have not been in the program, but as someone with firsthand knowledge and knowing of people who have had similar experiences, we have been asked to formalize our testimony in the same Inspector General process of the Intelligence Community to which David Grusch was subjected.

»Unlike David, I have not personally experienced any type of attack from the government or the Department of Defense (DoD). My reason for coming forward is purely to provide truthful information about the people, locations, private laboratories and research centers that exist around the world, in order to assist in the research process.

»I am always hopeful that the DoD, the Pentagon, and the legacy program people can free themselves from over-militarization of the exotic technologies they possess. I believe there is a solid path for everyone to come forward without fear of reprisals and help humanity by making unclassified aspects more transparent and accessible to the sectors of our societies that involve medicine, energy production and the enrichment of our collective mentality as human beings.

»I am encouraged by all the hard work that many unsung heroes are doing both behind the scenes and in the public domain. I will step forward when the time is right. I wish you and all those to whom you read this letter all the blessings and well-being you deserve. The truth is being revealed now, and I promise to continue doing my part.”

It should be remembered that the now famous former official David Grusch made his statements according to what he learned from first-hand witnesses such as the one who wrote this letter to Fox.

He is an individual who is not currently in a position to become public, but who is in the process of becoming public. We will probably hear more about the matter this year,” concluded the documentary filmmaker.

Source – Anything Goes With James

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