
Prophecies of Baba Vanga that could come true in 2018

Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova (1911 – 1996), popularly known as Baba Vanga, was a Bulgarian blind woman who lived most of her life in the Rupite area of ​​the Kozhuh Mountains in Bulgaria. Her followers claim that she was one of the best clairvoyants in all of history and believed that she had supernatural abilities, including telepathy and being able to communicate with extraterrestrial beings. The supporters of the late Bulgarian clairvoyant claim that her predictions are accurate to 85 percent.


And more than two decades have passed since Baba Vanga passed away, Her prophecies supposedly extend to the end of the universe, which will take place in the 51st century. Among her predictions are the Brexit , the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. , the Indian Ocean earthquake of 2004, the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986, the crisis in Korea in 2013, the death of Diana of Wales in August 1997 and even the exact date of her own death , years before it happened. . And apparently Baba Vanga also left some predictions for 2018, or at least that’s what her staunchest supporters believe, which include two key events: the rise of China as the world’s leading “superpower” and the discovery of a“New form of energy” on Venus.

A new form of energy

According to experts in prophecy, there is the possibility that two predictions of Baba Vanga will come true in 2018. The so-called “Nostradamus of the Balkans” affirmed that “a new form of energy” will be discovered on Venus. In July 2018, NASA will launch the Parker Solar Probe, a NASA space probe named after the astronomer Eugene Parker. According to the US space agency, the mission will revolutionize our understanding of the Sun, since it is planned to orbit our nearest star.

NASA specifies that the Parker Solar Probe will use Venus’s gravity over a period of seven years, while studying the solar wind and the energy that heats the surrounding plasma. Although the revolutionary space probe will not actually land on Venus, the space mission could be directly related to the “new form of energy” described in Baba Vanga’s predictions for 2018. But there is more, the supposed discovery will lead to an “age” of gold “ , which will eradicate world hunger and a manned mission that will land on Venus between 2025 and 2028.

Baba vanga prophecies 2018 - Two prophecies of Baba Vanga could come true in 2018

The second great prediction

The second great prediction of the “Nostradamus of the Balkans” is that China could surpass the United States as the most powerful country in the world. And it is not far fetched, since a team of the organization “The Conference Board”  in 2015 predicted that China would have a greater share of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP) than the US. UU in 2018. Last year, the prestigious business world magazine Forbes also wrote that the participation of the United States in the world economy is expected to decrease from 16.7 percent in 2015 to 14.9 percent in 2025, very far from the participation of 21.2 percent recorded in 1970.

Meanwhile, China’s share in the world economy has increased rapidly in the last five decades.  From a participation of 4.1 percent in 1970, the country’s contribution increased to 15.6 percent in 2015, and this figure is expected to continue to increase in the coming years.

Future prophecies

Regardless of whether these prophecies come to an end, Baba Vanga also left us certain predictions for the next millennia:

2023: The orbit of the Earth will change. Many of the massive extinctions of the past are linked to climate changes due to variations in Earth’s orbit. Global warming is evidence that this prediction can be fulfilled. In fact, some astronomers are working to be able to transport Earth to a better orbit.

Baba vanga prophecies in 2018 - Two prophecies of Baba Vanga could come true in 2018

2033: Global water levels will increase as polar ice caps melt. It is already happening.

2066: USA UU will use a new weapon that will change the climate in Roma controlled by Muslims. Leaving politics aside, climate modification is already a fairly familiar concept in contemporary society. Cloud seeding is used throughout the world, in ski resorts, in the agricultural industry and in numerous governments.

2100: The artificial Sun will illuminate the dark side of the planet. Scientists are already working on the creation of an artificial sun. It is a nuclear fusion experiment of 1,200 million dollars, which has been underway since at least 2008.

2130: With the help of aliens we will live underwater.

2170: The great drought. The world will become an extension of Africa.

2187: Two large volcanic eruptions will be successfully stopped.

2201: Temperatures will fall as solar activity decreases.

2262: The planets will slowly change orbits. Mars will be threatened by a comet.

2354: An accident on the artificial Sun will result in more drought.

2480: Two artificial suns (made by man) will collide and leave the Earth in darkness.

3005: A war on Mars will change the trajectory of the planet.

3010: A comet will hit the Moon. The Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rocks and ashes.

3797: At this time, everything on Earth will die.  However, human civilization will be advanced enough to travel to a new star system.

As you can imagine, these are just some of Baba Vanga’s predictions. In addition, humans will become androids. The androids will reproduce with extraterrestrial beings or the animals will become more human. While we wait for all of these prophecies to be fulfilled, the reality is that we ourselves are destroying the planet, the spirit of humanity has less and less to do with its connection with the Earth.


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