Some UFOs Could Be Controlled From Other Dimensions, Suggests Scientist

Some UFOs Could Be Controlled From Other Dimensions, Suggests Scientist

“Maybe there is a multidimensional reality and whatever is driving those ships sits in another dimension; being the phenomenon something that basically gives a touch to our reality but is moved from another side

The interdimensional hypothesis is an idea advanced by ufologists such as Jacques Vallée that says that UFOs and related events involve visits from other “realities” or “dimensions” that coexist separately with our own. 
Dr. Garry Nolan (inset) largely shares this hypothesis as an alternative to merely extraterrestrial.

A week ago, Dr. Garry Nolan, professor of microbiology and pathology at Stanford University was interviewed by Curt Jaimungal for his Theories of Everything channel, where he discussed, among other things, the evidence behind UFOs, artificial consciousness, the Havana syndrome, and declassification. In the last minutes of the dialogue, Nolan made reference to something extremely interesting and that has been suggested in the ufological field for a long time: that the crew of UFOs and many times these ships that we perceive as “objects” are, in reality, projections from another dimension.

“If we’re talking about a civilization with technology millions of years more advanced than ours, it’s possible that they could project material objects,” Nolan said.

“For example, the ships that people see. I would like to think that it is an object that moves under the physics that we can understand from our three-dimensional world. But maybe there is a multidimensional reality and whatever is driving those ships sits in another dimension; being the phenomenon something that basically gives a touch to our reality but is moved from another side”.

“However, you don’t have any functionality here, the functionality resides on the other side of the veil,” he added.

At this point, and to better understand the analogy, Jaimungal recalls an example given by the great Carl Sagan to describe the fourth dimension. The astronomer imagines a two-dimensional world called Flatland and what its inhabitants would experience if someone from the third dimension decided to interact with this lower plane. Since only two-dimensional objects exist there, a three-dimensional creature could not be fully appreciated—only the cross-section intersecting the plane would be seen.

Nolan agrees with what the interviewer expressed, and points out that this could be exactly the reason why in many sightings no means of propulsion can be observed, since the UFOs —some, not all— would be being moved from another dimension.

“If what I just said is true, we should prepare for disappointment. Because if we recover some of these ships we could never find out how they work, because the engine that moves them is not here, the force that moves them is not here, “says Nolan.

But that may be the purpose. Let yourself be seen before us, simple monkeys so that we infer that there are other bits of intelligence and think bigger, that we explore the notion that we are not alone », he concludes.

The video with the complete interview can be seen below (we have advanced it to the exact moment where this topic is discussed):

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