The Calvine UFO Photo - Authentic UFO Photo Declassified After 32 Years

The Calvine UFO Photo – Authentic UFO Photo Declassified After 32 Years

The Calvine UFO photo, which is called the “Most Impressive UFO Photo”, was taken in 1990 in Scotland and, it was classified for a long time. Only by chance, thanks to the investigation of a journalist, this photo was finally shown to the public. 

The Calvine UFO Photo - Authentic UFO Photo Declassified After 32 Years

The Story Behind The Most Impressive UFO Photo | Calvine UFO Photograph

In August 1990, two young chefs from a hotel in Pitlochry, Perthshire, Scotland, were walking through the picturesque hills in the Cairngorm range after a busy day shift and suddenly saw in the sky what they thought was a huge alien ship.

The object was diamond-shaped and hung motionless in mid-air without making any sound. The guys were so scared of this sight that they ran into the nearest bushes and disappeared into the greenery. 

They sat there for several minutes with the object still hovering over them when they heard a noise like a jet and then saw the plane itself. In appearance, it looked like a Tornado fighter, which in those years was based at the local Leuchars military airbase.

The fighter flew past the object, and then turned back and circled it as if examining it better. One of the eyewitnesses had a camera with him and managed to take six pictures of the UFO and the fighter jet before the strange object shot up vertically and disappeared high in the sky.

Shocked by what they saw, but delighted that they managed to take a photo that later became popular as the Calvine UFO photo, the guys developed the film, and then sent the pictures to the editors of the Daily Record, one of the leading Scottish newspapers. 

But not a single picture was published, because the newspaper immediately handed over the photos to the British Ministry of Defense, after which the pictures disappeared and the two young chefs also disappeared somewhere.

And so, on August 12, 2022, the British newspaper Daily Mail published one of the photographs, which was reportedly “leaked” from the Ministry of Defense thanks to former RAF officer Craig LindsayHe once kept a copy of one picture and kept it on his desk for 32 years, hidden inside the book “The Greatest Aircraft in the World.” 

An unnamed insider at the UK Department of Defense spoke about the photo to journalist David Craig, calling it the most impressive UFO photograph ever taken, and also the “Holy Grail” in terms of conclusive evidence that these objects really exist.

He also named Craig Lindsay, after which Clark easily tracked down Lindsay. He is now 83 years old and still lives in Scotland. And he feels relieved that this secret has finally been revealed to the public.

It is indicated that the Department of Defense is still trying to hide this story and the original photos, and also wants the names of two eyewitness chefs to be classified for another 54 years – until 2076 – due to “confidentiality reasons”.

Clark writes that in his three decades of immersion in the “world of Ufology” he had long heard about the so-called “Culvine file” (Calvine is a place in Cairngorm near the hills where the cooks saw UFOs) and the missing photographs of UFOs, and then for a long 13 years he tried to find them.

After meeting with several insiders, Clark was lucky to find the one who led him to Craig Lindsay and his copy of the photo. And Lindsay didn’t just keep a copy of the picture, he was the first official to speak to one of the eyewitness chefs.

“I’ve been waiting for over thirty years for someone to contact me about this,” says Lindsay.

The Calvine UFO Photo - Authentic UFO Photo Declassified After 32 Years
Craig Lindsay Showing The Calvine UFO Photograph

“The moment Craig Lindsay showed me the photo, I knew I was looking at something exceptional. Yes, it’s a black and white image printed on colored paper, and the trees and the fence look a little washed out as if the photographer took it in a moment of panic, which is consistent with their history.

But the camera is focused on a strange diamond-shaped object in the center of the frame. Unlike many other UFO depictions, this is a clearly structured craft of unknown origin. It looks otherworldly and is unlike any conventional aircraft. And this is by far the best UFO photo I’ve ever seen,” says David Clark.

“Trust me, I am not a gullible, misguided conspiracy theorist. I became a cynic after seeing hundreds of unconvincing UFO photos and videos: blurry, grainy, out-of-focus shots of what could easily be flying saucers or street lights or even seagulls.

But it was clearly something else. I have since analyzed the photo with Andrew Robinson, Senior Lecturer in Photography at Sheffield Hallam University. He is convinced that this is a genuine UFO photograph and if it is a hoax, then it is very complex, using expensive, sophisticated equipment and flying models, which is not something that could be at the disposal of the two chefs of the hotel.

According to Andrew Robinson, the flying object is definitely in front of the camera, meaning it’s not a fake created during the editing process, and its location in the scene appears to be about halfway between the fence in the foreground and the airplane in the background.

But the camera is focused on a strange diamond-shaped object in the center of the frame. Unlike many other UFO depictions, this is a clearly structured craft of unknown origin. It looks otherworldly and is unlike any conventional aircraft. And this is by far the best UFO photo I’ve ever seen,” says David Clark.

“Trust me, I am not a gullible, misguided conspiracy theorist. I became a cynic after seeing hundreds of unconvincing UFO photos and videos: blurry, grainy, out-of-focus shots of what could easily be flying saucers or street lights or even seagulls.

But it was clearly something else. I have since analyzed the photo with Andrew Robinson, Senior Lecturer in Photography at Sheffield Hallam University. He is convinced that this is a genuine photograph and if it is a hoax, then it is very complex, using expensive, sophisticated equipment and flying models, which is not something that could be at the disposal of the two chefs of the hotel.

According to Andrew Robinson, the flying object is definitely in front of the camera, meaning it’s not a fake created during the editing process, and its location in the scene appears to be about halfway between the fence in the foreground and the airplane in the background.

The place in the hills where the Calvine UFO was seen

Lindsay, who is characterized by Clark as a pragmatic and logical man who served ten years in the army, is also convinced that the picture is genuine and that the frightened young chef he spoke to then was telling the truth

“As a Scottish press officer, I have dealt with many reports of UFOs, but most of them were just lights in the sky. It was obvious that this one was different. When I asked what kind of noise it was making, the man said: “it didn’t make any noise at all.” Up until this point, I hadn’t taken it very seriously, but when he said it was silent, I suddenly realized that there wasn’t a single aircraft that I knew of that was silent.” says Lindsay.

Lindsay arranged with the cook to have the negatives that the two eyewitnesses handed over to the Daily Record be collected and a copy faxed to the now defunct Department of Defense UFO office in London.

“And before I could get back to my desk, the phone rang and I was asked, ‘Tell me more about this. Can you get the negatives?” And when I visited the Department of Defense later that year, I saw this picture enlarged to the size of a poster on the wall of the UFO office.

I asked how they were doing. They said the matter was under investigation. I was told to “leave it to London”, that is, they asked me not to interfere, which I did. Years passed and gradually I just forgot about the copy of the photo in my box. Now I hope that two eyewitnesses will come forward and tell their own stories,” says Lindsay.

At the same time, David Clark writes that, unfortunately, he does not believe that this object in the photo is an alien ship, but thinks that it was created by human hands, and possibly is a classified development of the US Air Force.

“Remember, this was 1990, the end of the Cold War was still a year away, and the Gulf War had begun just days before. we”.

Since the mid-1980s, there have been rumors of a top-secret, exotic American reconnaissance aircraft called the Aurora, a silent, supersonic, geometrically shaped aircraft used for spy missions.

While there was never any substantial evidence that it was ever built or flown, over the years there have been numerous unexplained sightings and incidents in both the US and UK that have fueled the myth of the Aurora, including the Calvin files.

The documents I obtained using the Freedom of Information Act suggest that some Department of Defense intelligence officers did believe in the existence of the Aurora, but they were not allowed to say anything in public.

A Department of Defense source also told me that as soon as the British intelligence chiefs realized that the Calvine photographs showed a top-secret US project, they were immediately classified – to British eyes only.

Last June, the Pentagon released its long-awaited report on what it now calls UAPs, or “unidentified aerial phenomena,” following a series of similar sightings and the release of videos showing fast-moving UFOs filmed by US Navy pilots. 

The new US task force UAP has listed five categories that most sightings are likely to fall into when they are allowed, and one of them is “secret programs” developed by the US government.

I am convinced that the photograph of Calvine shows one of these secret programs. In the meantime, the American and perhaps our governments have found it useful to “keep up the flying UFO myth” because it provides a useful cover for their own clandestine military activities.

But in this case, their cover was blown by two young men who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Department of Defense needs to explain to the public why, if things like UFOs don’t exist, how can they justify keeping their identity a secret for another 54 years. 

And it should also explain what happened to the photo negatives and their case files – otherwise they are just adding more grain to the mill of conspiracy theorists who believe that the authorities are hiding the “truth” about alien visits to Earth. Of course, one cannot say that these photographs are detrimental to state interests.

I remain open-minded about the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. But I’m still not convinced that he ever visited Earth. The photo of Calvine is, in my opinion, the best image of an unidentified flying object ever taken. But, as Dr. J. Allen Hynek, consultant for the former US Air Force UFO Project Blue Book, once said, “Unidentified to whom?”

What do you think about the Calvine UFO Photo? Tell us in the comments section below.

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