Senator Karim Bianchi

Senator Karim Bianchi Claims He Was Abducted By Aliens

Senator Karim Bianchi from Chile recently told reporters the story of how in 2012 he apparently became the victim of an alien abduction.

That evening, Bianchi was driving his car along the highway, heading to the city of Punta Arenas. He was talking to his friend on the phone when he noticed something in the dark sky that was round and glowing brightly in different colors.

Senator Karim Bianchi Claims He Was Abducted By Aliens

He pulled over on the side of the road, and then something happened that he doesn’t remember, but after “less than a minute,” according to his feelings, he suddenly found himself with the car in another place, about 180 km from the place where he pulled onto the side of the road.

Bianchi says he was deeply shocked by what happened and drove as fast as possible the rest of the way because he was so afraid that something else would happen to him.

Fortunately, he reached the city safely then. But the story didn’t end there. A few days later, a bald man he didn’t know walked into his office and suddenly announced that he was an alien.

According to the secretary, this strange man was very persistent and really wanted to meet Bianca. And that he gave him photocopies of some UFO magazines, and also said that Bianca should tell people about the existence of aliens.

Senator Karim Bianchi Claims He Was Abducted By Aliens

Although Bianca said that the materials handed to him “didn’t contain anything extraordinary,” it made him worry about how this man could have found out about what happened to Bianca, since he had never told anyone anything about his accident on the road.

And then Bianca began to strangely often see owls in his surroundings. Ufologists have noticed before that many people who believe they have been abducted by aliens tell stories about unusually frequent sightings of owls . 

There is even a theory suggesting that for some unknown reason, with the help of visual images of owls, aliens erase a person’s memories of the abduction experience and the experiments performed on him. 

“I started seeing owls. When I left for Argentina, accompanied by one person, we saw a very large owl halfway there. Then I went to eat with a local resident whose name was Las Owls. Then my mother gave me a bedspread that looked like owls eyes, it seemed to me that they were very large, like those of aliens… In general, for a whole month something happened to me that seemed to be connected with all this,” says Bianca.

Also, something incomprehensible happened to Bianca when he shook hands with other people, and this lasted for almost a whole year. At the moment of the handshake, he felt as if he were receiving mild electric shocks.

Bianchi said he eventually told his family and friends that he might have been abducted by aliens, but this is the first time he has told the story as a senator.

“To tell the truth, I didn’t want to talk much about it because it’s too critical. It sounds like the words of a madman or as if I smoked something or was incapacitated… But this is what I experienced. It wasn’t the first time , when I saw something unusual, but the first time it had an impact on me.”

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