The following video of two UFOs emerging from the volcano was captured by the camera that monitors the famous Popocatepetl volcano, in Mexico.
Volcanoes are considered one of the most destructive forces in nature, so much so that they were once feared and were adored by ancient humans to appease its anger and prevent them from erupting. could the stories and myths regarding volcanoes that consider volcanoes the abode to gods and demigods be true? The frequent sightings of UFOs leaving or entering volcanoes could be a clear testimony in favor of this notion.

The incident occurred this week and was uploaded to the YouTube channel of the user Mizz Jade_Eye.
‘Later a third UFO breaks through the top. Since this is an active volcano, we know that it is not an airplane. No sane pilot would fly over a volcano that blows twice a week, “wrote ufologist Scott C. Warring, known for disseminating such material.
«The close-up of the video clearly shows the UFOs glowing brightly coming out of the mouth and moving back and forth and then shooting upwards. Absolutely mind-blowing! ”He described.
This should be impossible, but I know that UFOs have been seen entering and leaving this volcano for almost a decade. I also know that there is an alien base there 5-6 km below ground level. 100% proof that aliens live on Earth and come and go when they want, “elucubrated the ufologist.
The Popocatepetl is located in the territorial limits of the states of Morelos, Puebla, and the state of Mexico. It has a symmetrical conical shape and has perennial glaciers near the mouth of the cone, at the tip of the mountain. It is the second-highest volcano in Mexico, with a maximum altitude of 5400 meters above sea level, only after the Citlaltépetl, of 5747 m.
What do you think about this UFO sighting at Popocatepetl Volcano? Leave us your comments below.
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